
Figures of Speech – Adnomination with Examples

Guruji Suniltams

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Figures of Speech - Adnomination

Figures of Speech – Adnomination

What is adnomination (Definition of Adnomination)?

Adnomination is the repetition of words with a change in letter or sound.

Definition of Adnomination

Using some words in a Sentence which has similar sound in them.

  • Moist, Hoist, etc
  • Nobody, Nowhere, nothing, etc
  • Somebody, Somewhere, somehow, etc


  • He is nobody from nowhere and he knows nothing.
  • News is what somebody, somewhere wants to suppress; all the rest is advertising.
1 Syllable
beim · chime · chyme · climb · clime · crime · dime · grime · haim · heim · hime · kime · lime · lyme · mime · nime · nine · prime · rime · ryme · seim · shine · sime · slime · thime · thyme · time2 Syllables
bedtime · birdlime · daytime · denime · downtime · enzyme · full time · halftime · part-time · sublime3 Syllables
anticrime · maritime · overtimeYou can see many of these words have similar set of sounds. Sound may not be similar in starting or in the end.

List of Figures of Speech in the English Language – Literary Devices

Accumulation Climax Metalepsis
Adjunction Dysphemism Metaphor
Adnomination Ellipsis Metonymy
Alliteration Euphemism Simile
Allusion Epigram Synecdoche
Anaphora Epiphora (or epistrophe) Tautology
Antanaclasis Hyperbole Understatement
Anticlimax Hypophora Zeugma and syllepsis
Antiphrasis Irony Onomatopoeia
Antithesis Litotes
Apostrophe Oxymoron
Assonance Personification
Cataphora Puns
Chiasmus Merism

 Adnomination Lesson on Youtube

English Language Classes in AligarhTAMS Studies

Language is a powerful tool that allows us to express our thoughts, emotions, and ideas in various ways. Figures of speech are an essential aspect of language that adds depth, color, and creativity to our communication. One such figure of speech is adnomination, a literary device that involves the repetition of words with the same root or similar sounds within a phrase or sentence. In this blog post, we will explore adnomination in detail, provide examples, and illustrate how it can enhance the beauty and impact of your writing.

What is Adnomination?

Adnomination, derived from the Latin word “adnominatio” (meaning “naming towards”), is a rhetorical device that involves repeating words or phrases with the same root or similar sounds. This repetition serves to emphasize and highlight specific ideas or emotions, making the message more memorable and impactful.

Examples of Adnomination:

  1. She sang a song that was not only melodious but also soulful.

    In this example, the adnomination occurs with the repetition of the words “melodious” and “soulful,” both of which are adjectives describing the song. This repetition enhances the description and emphasizes the song’s qualities.

  2. His speech was full of hope, full of optimism, and full of determination.

    Here, the repetition of the phrase “full of” emphasizes the extent of hope, optimism, and determination in the speech, creating a sense of abundance and intensity.

  3. The shimmering stars in the night sky whispered secrets to those who dared to listen.

    The adnomination of “shimmering” and “secrets” enhances the mystical and secretive atmosphere of the sentence, drawing the reader’s attention to the enchantment of the night.

  4. She danced gracefully, sang beautifully, and acted brilliantly on stage.

    In this example, the adnomination of “-ly” adverbs emphasizes the adjectives describing her performances, highlighting her exceptional talents.

  5. The relentless rain pounded the roof, the windows, and the pavement all night.

    The repetition of “the” and the similar sounds in “pounded,” “roof,” “windows,” and “pavement” accentuates the intensity and persistence of the rainstorm.

Why Use Adnomination in Writing?

  1. Emphasis: Adnomination can highlight key ideas, emotions, or qualities in your writing, making them stand out and leaving a lasting impression on the reader.
  2. Rhythm and Sound: The repetition of similar sounds creates a pleasing rhythm in your writing, making it more melodious and engaging.
  3. Visual and Emotional Impact: Adnomination can evoke vivid mental images and strong emotions, making your writing more evocative and compelling.
  4. Memorability: Readers are more likely to remember and connect with content that uses adnomination effectively because of its repetitive and memorable nature.


Adnomination is a powerful figure of speech that can add depth, emphasis, and beauty to your writing. By repeating words with the same root or similar sounds, you can create a memorable and impactful message that resonates with your readers. Whether you’re crafting poetry, prose, speeches, or even everyday communication, adnomination is a valuable tool to have in your linguistic arsenal. So, experiment with adnomination in your writing and watch your words come to life with vivid imagery and emotional resonance

Why Use Adnomination Figure of Speech?

Using adnomination in your writing can serve several valuable purposes, making it a useful and versatile literary device. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider using adnomination:

  1. Emphasis and Highlighting: Adnomination allows you to emphasize specific words, ideas, or emotions by repeating them with the same root or similar sounds. This repetition draws the reader’s attention and underscores the importance of those elements in your text. It can be particularly effective when you want to make a point or convey a strong message.
  2. Enhanced Rhythm and Musicality: The repetition of similar sounds in adnomination can create a pleasing rhythm and musical quality in your writing. This rhythmic flow can make your prose or poetry more engaging and enjoyable to read. It can also add a lyrical quality to your work, making it memorable and captivating.
  3. Visual and Emotional Impact: Adnomination can evoke vivid mental images and strong emotions in your readers. By repeating words or phrases related to a particular theme or concept, you can paint a more vivid and compelling picture in the reader’s mind. This can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level and make your writing more evocative.
  4. Enhanced Memorability: The repetitive nature of adnomination makes your writing more memorable. Readers are more likely to retain and recall information presented in a repetitive and structured manner. If you want your message or key points to stick with your audience, adnomination can help achieve that goal.
  5. Aesthetic Appeal: Adnomination can add aesthetic beauty to your writing. It can make your language more vibrant and expressive, enhancing the overall quality of your work. Whether you’re writing poetry, prose, speeches, or even advertising copy, adnomination can elevate the aesthetics of your writing.
  6. Creative Expression: Adnomination provides writers with a creative tool to experiment with language and expression. It allows you to play with words, sounds, and meanings, giving you the freedom to craft unique and imaginative sentences and phrases. This creativity can set your writing apart and make it more distinctive.
  7. Engagement and Connection: When used effectively, adnomination can engage your readers and create a sense of connection. It invites them to immerse themselves in the text and become more emotionally invested in your writing. This can be especially beneficial in persuasive writing, storytelling, or any content where you want to connect with your audience on a personal level.

In conclusion, adnomination is a versatile and powerful literary device that can enhance your writing in various ways. Whether you’re aiming to emphasize key points, create a more melodious prose, evoke strong emotions, or simply make your writing more memorable and aesthetically pleasing, adnomination is a valuable tool to consider incorporating into your writing style. It adds depth, beauty, and impact to your words, making your writing more compelling and engaging for your readersFigures of Speech - Adnomination Sylistic Devices Grammar Literature