
Stylistic Devices

What is Onomatopoeia Figures of Speech English Language


Guruji Suniltams

What is Onomatopoeia? क्या आप जानते है onomatopoeia Kya hai? अगर नहीं तो में अपको बताऊंगा? वीडियो बहुत ही interesting ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Figures of Speech – Zeugma and Syllepsis

Guruji Suniltams

Figures of Speech – Zeugma and Syllepsis Figures of Speech: Zeugma and Syllepsis – Examples and Key Points Figures of ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Stylistic Devices: Understatement

Guruji Suniltams

Stylistic Devices: Understatement What is Understatement? Understatement is a figure of speech used by writers or speakers to deliberately make a ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Stylistic devices: Tautology

Guruji Suniltams

Stylistic devices: Tautology What is Tautology? Tautology is a statement that says the same thing twice in different ways or ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Stylistic devices: Synecdoche

Guruji Suniltams

Stylistic devices: Synecdoche What is a synecdoche? Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a part of something is ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Stylistic Devices: Simile

Guruji Suniltams

Stylistic Devices: Simile What is a simile? A simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced with the ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Figures of Speech – Metonymy

Guruji Suniltams

Figures of Speech – Metonymy What is metonymy? Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Stylistic Devices – Metaphor

Guruji Suniltams

Hello everyone, welcome back to our blog. Today we are going to talk about a very interesting topic, which is ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Figures of Speech – Merism

Guruji Suniltams

Figures of Speech – Merism What is merism? Merism is a figure of speech by which something is referred to by ...

36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Stylistic Devices – Personification

Guruji Suniltams

Stylistic Devices – Personification Personification What is Personification? Personification is a figure of speech in which human characteristics are attributed ...