
Stylistic Devices – Epigram

Guruji Suniltams

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36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

Stylistic Devices – Epigram

What is an epigram?

An epigram refers to a concise, witty, memorable, and sometimes surprising or satirical statement. The origin of the word epigram is Greek, from epigraphein (epi- + graphein to write)


Some examples of epigram are listed below:

  • The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”
  • “I am not young enough to know everything.”
    (Oscar Wilde)
  • “Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing.”
    (Oscar Wilde)
  • “I can resist everything but temptation.” – Oscar Wilde
  • “Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put and end to mankind.” – John F. Kennedy
  • “No one is completely unhappy at the failure of his best friend.”
    (Groucho Marx)
36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples
36 Figures of Speech Types Simile Metaphor Etc With Examples

List of Figures of Speech in the English Language – Literary Devices

Accumulation Climax Metalepsis
Adjunction Dysphemism Metaphor
Adnomination Ellipsis Metonymy
Alliteration Euphemism Simile
Allusion Epigram Synecdoche
Anaphora Epiphora (or epistrophe) Tautology
Antanaclasis Hyperbole Understatement
Anticlimax Hypophora Zeugma and syllepsis
Antiphrasis Irony
Antithesis Litotes
Apostrophe Oxymoron
Assonance Personification
Cataphora Puns
Chiasmus Merism

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