Accumulation is a figure of speech in which the arguments previously stated are presented again in a forceful manner. The word accumulation comes from Latin and it means mass, pile or heap.
Examples of accumulation
In the following examples, scattered arguments are gathered and presented together to make the point compact and forceful.
- “He is the betrayer of his own self-respect, and the waylayer of the self-respect of others; covetous, intemperate, irascible, arrogant; disloyal to his parents, ungrateful to his friends, troublesome to his kin; insulting to his betters, disdainful of his equals and mates, cruel to his inferiors; in short, he is intolerable to everyone.” Attributed to Cicero, Rhetorica ad Herennium, IV.52
- “A generation goes and a generation comes, yet the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and rushes back again to the place from which it rises. The wind blows south, then returns to the north, round and round goes the wind, on its rounds it circulates. All streams flow to the sea, yet the sea does not fill up.” (Ecclesiastes, The Old Testament)
Accumulation is a figure of speech in which the arguments previously stated are presented again in a forceful manner.
I am repeating the definition: Accumulation is a figure of speech in which the arguments previously stated are presented again in a forceful manner.
Now, let’s focus on the word Accumulation. The word accumulation comes from Latin and it means mass, pile or heap it means mass, pile, or heap.
Actually, In Accumulation scattered arguments are gathered and presented together to make the point compact and forceful.
Now, I am going to give you some examples for better understanding of this figure of speech.
“A generation goes and a generation comes, yet the earth remains forever.
The sun rises and the sunsets, and rushes back again to the place from which it rises.
The wind blows south, then returns to the north, round and round goes the wind, on its rounds it circulates.
All streams flow to the sea, yet the sea does not fill up.”
इस example में overall ये बताया है की “life goes on” or you can say “time goes on”. तो इस example में इतनी सी बात को गजब तरीके से समझाया है. और ये ही accumulation होता है… definition दोबारा सुन लीजिये।। In Accumulation scattered arguments are gathered and presented together to make the point compact and forceful. समझे कुछ……. चलिए एक और example बता देता हु.
“I will not excuse you; you shall not be excused; excuses shall not be admitted; there is no excuse will serve; you shall not be excused.” इस पुरे example में। … में आपको excuse नहीं करूँगा , i will not excuse you को एक forceful manner में बताया है…… scattered stamentes को gather करके बताया है. और इसी को accumulation कहते है.