Something Happened and Something Else Happened

Guruji Sunil Chaudhary

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Something Happened and Something Else Happened Sentences

Sometimes There Are Sentences in Which You Need to Show That Something Happened and Something Else Happened Immediately. These sentences are made with the help of 4 Ways. First, “No Sooner Did + Than”, Second, “No Sooner Had + Than”, Third, “Hardly Had + Past Participle + When”, Fourth, “As Soon As”. You can also treat this post for the Usage of these Four Formats.

Something Happened and Something Else Happened Sentences
Something Happened and Something Else Happened Sentences

Something Happened and Something Else Happened

Formulas in Detail

  1. No Sooner + Did + Doer + Action Phrase(V1) + Than + Doer + Actioned(V2) + Phrase

  2. No Sooner + Had + Doer + Actioned(V3) Phrase + Than + Doer + Actioned(V2) + Phrase

  3. Hardly + Had + Doer + Actioned(V3) Phrase + When + Doer + Actioned

    (V2) + Phrase.

  4. As Soon As + Doer + Actioned(V2) + Phrase, Doer + Actioned

    (V2) Phrase.

Phrase = Details we add to the verb in the sentence, For Example, For Go, We have, to market, So Action Phrase is Go To Market.

Something Happened and Something Else Happened

Examples of Hardly Had Sentences
Examples of Hardly Had Sentences

Examples of “Hardly + Had + Past Participle + When”

  1. Hardly had I finished my class when they called me.
  2. Hardly had I left my job when they considered me a big stupid.
  3. Hardly had they reached their house when they served them the meals.
  4. Hardly had I ordered him to complete the work when he left office.
  5. Hardly had I left the room when my daughter started playing.
  6. Hardly had I seen Sam when he started walking.
  7. Scarcely had Peter started the journey when it started raining.
  8. Hardly had I seen the thief when he started running.
  9. Hardly had Benn entered the room when his phone started ringing.
  10. Hardly had I started working on the computer when the electricity was gone.
  11. Hardly had Alice seen her mother when she started crying.

Try to make some sentences yourself.

Something Happened and Something Else Happened

Examples of No Sooner Had Sentences How to
Examples of No Sooner Had Sentences How to

Examples of “No Sooner + Did + Than”

The structure no sooner than is quite literary. It is not normally used in speaking.

  1. No sooner did I order him to bring the food than he started his own work.
  2. No sooner did I reach there than they started shouting with excitement.
  3. No sooner did I tell them about the party than they started shouting.
  4. No sooner did it stop raining than they left for their homes.
  5. No Sooner did he reached there than he ate many items.

Try to make some sentences yourself

Something Happened and Something Else Happened

Examples of No Sooner Had Sentences How to
Examples of No Sooner Had Sentences How to

Examples of No “Sooner + Had + Than”

Although we can use the same sentences for this format as well, I am going to give you some more sentences.

  1. No sooner had the doctor reached, than the patient died.
  2. No sooner had I slept, than I got a call.
  3. No sooner had they spoke, than they were shot in the head.
  4. No sooner had I started the laptop than it showed an error.
  5. No sooner had their father died, than they started fighting for the property.
  6. No sooner had we entered the room than they started clapping.
  7. No sooner had the teacher entered the class than the students kept quiet.
  8. No sooner had the doctor come than the patient started recovering.
  9. No sooner had we seen Lisa than she started waving.
  10. No sooner had the watchman seen the Chairman than he started saluting.

Try to make more sentences yourself.

Examples of As Soon As Sentences How to Example English Language
Examples of As Soon As Sentences How to Example the English Language

Examples of No “As Soon As”

You can use the same sentences for this format as well, however, I am giving different sentences for your rich practice.

  1. As soon as the game was over, they started enjoying themselves.
  2. As soon as they finished the work, they asked for the wages.
  3. As soon as we reached Faridabad, it started to rain.
  4. He started as soon as he received a telegram.
  5. As soon as he finished his work, he went out.
  6. As soon as the bus arrived, the passengers boarded it.

Examples or “Barely + Had + When” — Similar to Hardly Sentences

  1. Barely had Aric started the speech when Andrew started questioning.
  2. Barely had Jack reached the place when Jim started arguing with him.
  3. Scarcely had Sam closed the door when the calling bell started ringing.
  4. Barely had Alex seen Ann when she started laughing.
  5. Scarcely had the teacher seen the student when he started studying.
  6. Barely had Jane started cooking when the doorbell started ringing.
  7. Scarcely had the police seen the culprit when he started fleeing away.
  8. Barely had Robin entered the room when Tom started shouting.
  9. Scarcely had Richard reached the stage when the audience started screaming.

In a less formal style, we are more likely to say something like this:

They demanded wages soon after they completed the work.

I started feeling sick immediately after I ate the fish.

Common Errors Related to These Sentences… Coming Soon

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