
NASA Reassures Public: Sunita Williams Safe on ISS Amid Rumors of Being Stranded


Archana Chaudhary

Amidst circulating reports claiming that NASA astronauts Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore are stranded on the International Space Station (ISS) due to technical issues, both NASA and Boeing officials have stepped forward to refute these claims. They emphasize that the astronauts are safe, and their return is simply a matter of careful planning.

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Steve Stich, NASA’s commercial crew program manager, clarified the situation, stating, “I want to make it real clear that we’re not in any rush to come home.” This reassurance highlights the stability and safety of the ISS, dispelling concerns about the astronauts’ well-being.

NASA and Boeing have reiterated that the decision to delay the return of Williams and Wilmore is part of their meticulous mission planning. They emphasize that there are no immediate threats to the astronauts’ safety, and the reports of technical problems stranding them are unfounded.

Stich’s statement underscores NASA’s commitment to ensuring the safety of its astronauts while maximizing the scientific and operational benefits of their time in space. The focus remains on the astronauts’ health and safety, with a return timeline driven by careful consideration rather than urgency.

For the latest updates on Sunita Williams and other space missions, stay tuned to NASA’s official channels.