IELTS Question Many Criminals Commit Further Crimes As Soon as they are released from Prison

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IELTS Question Many Criminals Commit Further Crimes As Soon as they are released from Prison

This topic has been chosen from Crime and Punishment Essay Titles for IELTS

Many Criminals Commit Further Crimes As Soon as they are released from Prison

Introduction – no need to write in the paper

After completing their punishment most of the criminals do not change and keep on committing crimes in this essay we are going to discuss the reasons and what all can be done to not let them do so.

1st Para – no need to write in the paper

it is observed over the period of time that many criminals actually do not change much and get indulged again in many criminal activities which they should not be as it does not serve the purpose of serving punishment. And obviously what is the logic in being imprisoned if a criminal is still a criminal however statistics speak quite opposite.

2nd Para – no need to write in the paper

The possible cause of this is how we treat the criminals during their imprisonment as per my standing they are not treated well. Moreover, they are actually Harassed and exploited by prison Administration and other senior criminals who have got a good hold in the prison

3rd Para – no need to write in the paper

I would like to suggest some possible and simple ways to overcome the situation. The Government should ensure that criminals are treated in a well-mannered way with a good amount of hospitality. They should be kept indulged in some social and playful activities so that they subconsciously forget their criminal tendency.

Additional Information – if Any – no need to write in the paper

There is one more important thing which our society should consider. It is once a criminal has served the prison he/she should be treated as a normal person and should be given a fair chance to lead a normal life again without bringing their past in discussions.

Conclusion – no need to write in the paper

Therefore we understand that criminals do commit sometimes after getting released from prison however with the above-mentioned ways we can ensure they get into the mainstream without any difficulty

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