How to Sell Anything to anyone? Sales Techniques by Suniltams Guruji

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How to Sell Anything to Anyone

How to Sell Anything to anyone? Sales Techniques by Suniltams Guruji

Hello Dear Salesmen/Businessmen, Yes, if you are reading this post I assume you are already a salesman and you want to excel in the field of selling anything to anyone.

How to Sell Anything to Anyone

How to Sell Anything to anyone? Sales Techniques by Suniltams Guruji

Let me list all the questions aspiring salesmen ask the Sales Trainers in the world:

  1. How can I be good at selling?
  2. How can I sell a product?
  3. What do I really sell?
  4. How do I become better at sales?
  5. How to sell anything to anyone?
  6. What are the steps to becoming a salesman?
  7. Steps to selling anything to anyone.
  8. Essential Tips for Selling?
  9. Should I offer a discount to crack a deal?
  10. Can I use emotions while selling?

These are some questions which keep bothering new salesman in the market. Believe me, I have given all the answers in the below-mentioned post written just for you. This content is highly premium and I am sharing the same with you for just free. However, I would request you to value it and keep sharing it with other people. 

I just want you to become excellent at selling anything to anyone. So, let’s Start The Journey of Becoming a Great Salesman. I have followed all these points while building my own company JustBaazaar and TAMS Studies.

How to Sell Anything to anyone

31 Points to Become A Great Salesman | Sales Tips By Suniltams Guruji

  1. Ask relevant questions to your customers.
  2. Understand his/her needs and requirements.
  3. Try to know the value of your product/service to your customer/client.
  4. Ask him/her preferences, Budgets, objectives, expectations, etc
  5. You should ask some good questions about the product you are selling.
  6. This will help you understand how to propose your product/service to the same customer/client.
  7. You should understand that you are not selling a product/service.
  8. You are actually selling a solution to the problem of your customer/client. Either you are solving an existing problem or helping them get more in future.
  9. If you get to know that your customer does not need the product or service you are offering, you should not try to force the sale. It will help you in getting a great reputation in the market.
  10. You should as a salesman focus on the qualifying customers.
  11. Do not worry about the rest of the customers.
  12. Use logic and Emotions with your selling.
  13. You can develop Logic and Emotions with your selling if you are able to put yourself in the shoes of your customer/client.
  14. You should practice becoming a storyteller.
  15. Stories impress your potential customers/clients.
  16. You can make stories easily if you are using logic and emotions in your sale.
  17. Put Yourself in the customer’s position and sell your product to that person. First, convince yourself how you will be benefitted by the product and service.
  18. Believe me, if you are able to convince yourself, the sale can be done very easily.
  19. Use pressure to close the deal.
  20. It is really ok to use pressure.
  21. You can use pressure if you are totally confident that the product/service is going to be a benefit to your client/customer.
  22. Create some urgency in your customers/clients’ minds.
  23. They should realize if they are not using the product/service, they may lose something of great importance or they may not be able to make the most of the market or time.
  24. Give your customers some urgent options.
  25. Like, we can start next week or next month.
  26. Also, propose the consequences of starting at your proposed time. All this is possible when you are using logic and emotions.
  27. Sometimes people just need some pressure. so, use pressure.
  28. Make sure, while you are putting pressure, do not offer discounts.
  29. Offering a discount is the worst thing you do as a salesman.
  30. Offering a discount decreases your sales. Experiment it.
  31. The discount means you are making a lot and your customer start asking for more and more.

These are some world’s best strategies to become a great salesman. If you practice these points, you can be unbeatable in sales.

If you need help growing your business, Check Out my Company JustBaazaar Digital

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Thank you for reading/watching How to Sell Anything to anyone.

Sunil Chaudhary aka Suniltams Guruji
CEO JustBaazaar
Director TAMS Studies
SEO Expert | Digital Marketer | Social Media Manager | Content Writer | English Guru | Motivational Speaker | PD Trainer
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