
Why Learn Digital Marketing

Guruji Suniltams

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"Why to Learn Digital Marketing", "What is the Scope of Digital Marketing", "How to Learning Digital Marketing", "Who is the Best Digital Marketing Trainer in India"

Hey, this is Suniltams Guruji. In this post, I am going to discuss “Why to Learn Digital Marketing”, “What is the Scope of Digital Marketing”, “How to Learning Digital Marketing”, “Who is the Best Digital Marketing Trainer in India”, and much more about digital marketing in India.

My name is Sunil Chaudhary. However, in the online space, I use Suniltams Guruji. 

I founded TAMS Studies in 2014 in Aligarh. I became a part of a Business Community in my city. The community members address each other with thier business suffixed with names. For Example Annu Bidi, Sonu Petha, etc. So, they started calling me Suniltams. 

My Students call me Guruji. Hence, I got my name Suniltams Guruji. I have been working professionally since 2006. In this post, I will discuss why learn digital marketing. Do you know which Digital Marketing Course in India is good? Who is the best Digital Marketing trainer in India for you?

"Why to Learn Digital Marketing", "What is the Scope of Digital Marketing", "How to Learning Digital Marketing", "Who is the Best Digital Marketing Trainer in India"

Why Learn Digital Marketing?

The scope of marketing is always there. Companies and brands will always be there in the world. 

So, they will always need or other mediums of marketing. 

Therefore, the fundamental requirement of marketing is going to stay forever. 

Now, why learn digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is suitable for all business types does not matter small or big. 

Digital Marketing is very useful for low budgets specifically. Digital Marketing is highly trackable and measurable. 

Businesses can target specific audiences with specific keywords. 

Overall, businesses can achieve very efficient results with integrated digital marketing.

If you consider all these points, there is a great scope for digital marketing ahead.

If one decides to learn digital marketing, has a great career for some great decades ahead. 

Digital Marketing is a buzzword these days. Also, you can see that digital marketing has grown drastically in the last decade.

You see all the ads on websites, youtube, search engines, quora, etc are all superb examples of Digital Marketing. 

If you decide to learn digital marketing, you can grow your business as well as work for other businesses. 

If you decide to work as a freelancer, you will be promoting businesses over the internet. That is why we also call it internet marketing. 

What is Digital Marketing Exactly?

There are lots of systems that promote business digitally or on the internet. All these systems and processes are integrately called Digital Marketing. In short, marketing a business digitally is digital marketing.

As we see in traditional marketing, the primary goal of Digital Marketing is to attract audience and sales.

The aspects of Digital Marketing are as follows:

  1. Social Media
  2. Search Engines
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Video Marketing
  5. Blogging
  6. Landing Pages
  7. Infographics
  8. Conversions, etc

What is The Scope of Digital Marketing

There is a great scope of Digital marketing in the coming years. till we have marketing in existence, we have digital marketing. Yes, for sure the ways and systems will improve. So, you have to keep learning with time. 

Digital Marketing is evolving every day. There is no doubt about it. 

Consumers are researching services and products on their smartphones before concluding any decision.

You need to understand the benefits of Digital marketing in order to realize the real scope of digital marketing.

  1. Digital Marketers can easily target the right audience. Not exactly but the digital marketing campaigns are refined over time.
  2. Business owners can get a great result with low investments with the help of Digital Marketing. The cost per lead with digital, or inbound, marketing, is 61 percent less expensive than traditional marketing. Businesses that advertise on social media, use paid search, and employ other digital strategies spend considerably less on their campaigns. This is because many companies use pay-per-click (PPC) strategies to keep costs down and target specific audiences. Generally speaking, digital marketing campaigns offer both a greater and faster ROI.
  3. Reach more mobile users. Most of the time people are using mobile phones and smartphones. Approximately 14 billion people worldwide. Almost every device has internet access. with the help of Digital marketing, it is easier than ever to reach potential customers. It is possible anytime anywhere.

So, you see these benefits. Now, let’s get back to the scope of Digital Marketing. 

Majority of the people who are consumers discover the products and services on social media feeds. so, you can advertise on social media and can reach up to 9 billion people on Facebook alone. 

You can have multiple types of campaigns on social media. Run B2B or B2C ads. 

You can generate leads even on LinkedIn or Twitter not only on Facebook and Google.

Use the below methods to reach more and more users

  1. Paid Search – you can run these ads on google. use the right keywords and show your ads to the people who are searching for those keywords on the google search engine. 
  2. Organic search – utilize the power of SEO. Rank your keywords higher in the search results. this way you can generate leads without paying any money or you can say organically.
  3. Email Marketing Campaigns – Email marketing campaigns are very effective. I would say, they are at the top of Digital marketing strategy. You can target small as well as big business owners.
  4. Content Marketing – Publishing helpful articles, guides, tutorials, and other online content (in addition to webinars and podcasts) that engages your target audience is the essence of content marketing.
  5. Webinars: webinars are great ways to provide something of value to target consumers while also promoting your brand and products.
  • Podcasts: Compelling and useful audio content is another way to reach your audience and can be used in conjunction with other media for broader marketing campaigns.

So, with these points, I have tried to let you know the scope of Digital Marketing in the coming years.

The scope of Digital Marketing in India is huge. India has the largest population of internet users. by 2025, India will have 1000 million internet users. So, it only makes sense that India has a great scope of Digital Marketing.

How to Learn Digital Marketing?

It is really easy to Learn Digital Marketing. You can learn digital marketing by yourself. 

  1. First of all, start your own blog. Your own blog and website give you lots of learning. Learn how to create an amazing blog/website on WordPress.
  2. Read Books and Blog Posts on Digital Marketing. Read More Learn More and Earn More. 
  3. Watch lots of videos on youtube. You can watch my Digital Marketing Video also.
  4. Do an internship with JustBaazaar. Our internship trains you about every aspect of Digital Marketing. you can make more money than you pay for your internship. You can join here.
  5. Follow influencers on Instagram. Digital Marketing Influencers keep sharing lots of knowledge these days with their reels and Instagram videos. 
  6. Listen to Digital Marketing Podcasts. There is lots of knowledge you can gain from Digital Marketing podcasts. Top experts are sharing their knowledge and tips for free. Generally, people do not understand the power of podcasts. But, believe me, they are very useful.
  7. Attend Webinars. Get real-time knowledge. You can even ask questions given the opportunity.
  8. You should join Facebook groups relevant to your nice. Join my Facebook group here. Facebook groups have lots of knowledge for free.
  9. if you are a LinkedIn member, you can try their learning section. Try it HERE. Linkedin learning offers very premium courses from the master from every corner of the world. All these courses are included in a very affordable membership.
  10. Join My Telegram Channel. Join HERE. I have an entire digital marketing course for free in Hindi and English. 

Who is the Best Digital Marketing Trainer in India?

As per my understanding, all digital marketing trainers in India try their best to give more value to their students. if you are joining any mentor, be dedicated and respectful. Patience is a virtue. You will get everything you need from your trainer only. 

so, stick to one trainer. Give up the monkey mindset.

List of Top Digital Marketing Trainers in India:

There are many digital marketing trainers in India. Most of the Digital Marketing Trainers in India are doing good. They are trying to give a lot of value to the learners. I am mentioning a few who can train you well. The order of the list does not discriminate or establish any more or less authority.

  1. Suniltams Guruji
  2. Digital Deepak
  3. Siddharth Rajsekar 
  4. Sorav Jain
  5. Digital Prateek
  6. Sourabh Bhatnagar
  7. Utkarsh Soni
  8. ..

The above list will be updated progressively. If you want to list yourself here, drop an email to info@justbaazaar.com. I will give you do follow backlink.


Suniltams Guruji
Suniltams Guruji India's Leading Digital Coach Business Growth Consultant
Founder JustBaazaar
India’s Leading Digital Coach
Business Growth Consultant
Corporate Communications Expert
Business Automation Expert

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A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Marketing Process