What is Kasuri Menthi? कसूरी मेंथी क्या है. चलिए इस पोस्ट में इसी पर चर्चा करते हैं. Lets discuss this in this post.

Kasuri Methi refers to dried leaves of the fenugreek plant. It is a herb with a bitter but addictive taste. Used as a spice in Indian curries, sabzi, parathas its strong aroma and distinctive flavour fascinate the taste buds!
कसूरी मेथी मेथी के पौधे के सूखे पत्तों को संदर्भित करती है। यह एक कड़वा लेकिन नशे की लत स्वाद के साथ एक जड़ी बूटी है। भारतीय करी, Suzi, and Paranthas में मसाले के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है.
Is Kasuri Methi same as methi? क्या कसूरी मेथी मेथी के समान है?
‘Kasuri Methi’ is always the dried fenugreek leaves.’कसूरी मेथी’ हमेशा सूखे मेथी के पत्ते होते हैं।
What is the use of Kasuri Methi? कसूरी मेथी का उपयोग क्या है?
Methi in English
Is dry Kasuri Methi good for health? क्या सूखी कसूरी मेथी स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छी है?
कसूरी मेथी आहार फाइबर का एक अच्छा स्रोत है, प्रोटीन सामग्री में उच्च और लोहे में समृद्ध है। इसके अलावा, यह कैलोरी में कम है, जिसका अर्थ है कि यह किसी भी आहार में फिट हो सकता है। पत्तियों में मौजूद खनिज और विटामिन में कैल्शियम, जस्ता, फास्फोरस, राइबोफ्लेविन, कैरोटीन, थायमिन, नियासिन और विटामिन सी शामिल हैं।
Kasuri Methi is a good source of dietary fibre, high in protein content and is rich in iron. Also, it is low in calories, which means it can fit into any diet. The mineral and vitamins present in the leaves include calcium, zinc, phosphorus, riboflavin, carotene, thiamine, niacin and vitamin C.
Where can I get Kasuri Methi? मुझे कसूरी मेथी कहाँ मिल सकती है?
You can buy Kasuri Methi by clicking on any of the below links from Amazon.
Kasuri methi is easily available at every grocery store around the year, but you can also make them at home, without any added colours, flavours or preservatives.
Kasuri methi is extensively used in every Indian kitchen
A packet of Kasuri methi is easily available in the market
You can also make these dried fenugreek leaves at home
Although methi leaves are exclusive to the winters, you can enjoy them to the fullest year-round. How? you may ask. All you need to do is get some dried methi leaves and add them to the dishes of your choice. Popularly known as Kasuri methi, they are omnipresent in every spice rack across India.
Health Benefits Of Kasuri Methi:
Alongside their versatility, both fresh and dried methi leaves are also credited for their multiple health benefits. They are dubbed to be a rich source of antioxidants, protein, iron, calcium etc and help promote digestion, bone health and overall health.
How To Make Kasuri Methi:
Kasuri methi is easily available at every grocery store around the year, but you can also make them at home, without any added colours, flavours or preservatives. Let’s take a look.
Step 1. Buy and clean a bunch of methi leaves. Sort the fresh leaves and throw away the rotten ones.
Step 2. Pat them (the fresh leaves) dry.
Step 3. Spread the leaves on a plate and let them sun-dry till the moisture is gone. You can also microwave the leaves for 3-4 minutes.
Step 4. Store in an airtight jar in a cool and dry place and use it whenever you need them.
Here Are 5 Interesting Ways To Include Kasuri Methi To Your Diet:
1. Dal Tadka:
Spruce up a bowl of dal by adding a tadka of ghee, Kasuri methi, jeera, hing etc. You can also crush and add some Kasuri methi at the end (instead of coriander leaves).
2. Methi chicken and Methi paneer:
A popular dish in Indian cuisine, methi chicken spells indulgence. All you need to do is, add some dried fenugreek leaves to the gravy and make it yet more appetising in no time. And for the ones who avoid eating chicken, just replace it with some soft and juicy chunks of paneer.
3. Garnishing element:
If you like the strong flavour of Kasuri methi, then add it to any dish you want. All you need to do is crush some leaves in between the palms and sprinkle them on the dishes. You may also dry roast it for a smoky flavour.
4. Methi roti/paratha:
Methi paratha is one popular winter food that we all enjoy to the core.
Now, you can relish methi roti, paratha or naan around the year by adding some Kasuri methi to the dough while kneading.
Suniltams has created this post.