Tikamgarh, Madhya Pradesh – In a devastating incident, 36-year-old Lance Naik Vinod Banskar, an Army personnel on leave, succumbed to a heart attack while playing cricket in Marguva village, Tikamgarh district.
The incident unfolded on a Sunday afternoon as Banskar, who was posted in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, had gone to play cricket in the neighbouring village Birau. His elder brother, Jagdish Banskar, revealed that Vinod complained of chest pain during the game.
Immediately following the heart attack, Banskar was rushed to Tikamgarh’s district hospital by his family members. Tragically, despite medical efforts, he passed away later that night.
Vinod Banskar, expected to resume duty in the first week of February, was on leave at the time of the incident. Dr Yogesh Yadav of the district hospital confirmed that the cause of death was a heart attack.
The incident has sparked concerns about the prevalence of silent heart attacks among young individuals. Silent heart attacks may exhibit symptoms such as persistent and unexplained fatigue, sudden breathlessness, mild discomfort in the arms, neck, jaw, or back, persistent nausea with lightheadedness or dizziness, and unrelated profuse sweating.
This tragic occurrence underscores the importance of raising awareness about silent heart attacks and the necessity of prompt medical intervention, particularly among the younger population. The family, devastated by the loss, hopes that sharing this experience will encourage others to be vigilant about heart health and seek medical attention at the first sign of trouble.
The funeral arrangements for Lance Naik Vinod Banskar are underway, as the community mourns the loss of a dedicated Army personnel. The incident serves as a poignant reminder of the silent dangers that can affect even those in the prime of their lives.