Top Recommended Books for IIT JEE preparation

Guruji Sunil Chaudhary

Best-BOOKS-FOR-JEE-ADVANCED-2019 2020 Top Recommended Books for IIT JEE preparation

I am sure this is a curious question of Many aspirants who are looking for the best books for the complete and Sureshot preparation of IIT JEE.

Top Recommended Books for IIT JEE preparation

1. HCV– good 4 JEE I guess… I got bored with that book and never read it/ solved its problems after mechanics (to b completely honest.. I did have 2 solve d optics problems 4 practice)
2. Resnick-Halliday– again a good book 4 JEE… esp the 2 vol end. I didn’t read it either after the mech
3. Young, Sears and Zemansky– Univ Physics- one more famous book I didn’t use
4. Irodov-a. Mechanics b. electromagnetism- finally books that I did use… very small but honest and useful books… The examples are also pretty useful.
5. Feynman Lectures on Physics 1&2- according to me The Good Books for physics… I owe to it almost all my physical intuition and understanding..and hence the medal and air ..1 heck of a cool book… highly recommended for The curious and interested who are not satisfied by the bullshit that commonly floats around.
6. Problem books
*Common Ones
–> Irodov– yes, it is still as relevant as it ever was.. it helps develop analytical skills
–> Krotov– good problem Collection
–> Bukhotsev– good problem collection especially in the optics and td chapters
7. Not-so-common ones
–> P Gnadig– 200 puzzling problems in physics (CUP)- a beautiful collection of interesting problems
–> Physics Olympiad Problems (MTG)
–> Also google out for more problems on the internet.. they are interesting

Use of study-material (fiitjee/brilliant whatever) 4 studying physics is not advisable (most of their problems r taken from irodov anyways)

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1. Orgo
–> Morrison and Boyd- Good Book
–> Paula Bruice- goodbook
–> Solomons-  godbook++(M nd B modified and made up to current trends)
–> P Sykes- coolbook..small nd handy
–> Finar- boring book…long and nasty.. how can anyone read this stuff.. i could never figure out.. i put it because of every other person usually rcmmnds
–> Finar- problem book… quite unlike the textbooks.. it is pretty much useful and comprehensible.. must used with discretion.. it contains too many things not covered by JEE
–>Atkins- advanced modern book… really modern.. really advanced…

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2. Inorganic
–> Atkinson (or was it Wilkinson don’t remember)- book if you want to become The God of inorganic.. which would probably not be the case.
–> Greenwood- I am putting it only because I used it for my revision.. not needed at all
–> Vogel- Qualitative Analysis
–> Atkins-again since it is Atkins it has to be an advanced modern book.. really modern.. really advanced.. and really interesting for a change

3. Physical
–> NCERT!!
–> O P Tandon !!??
–> Disha – Shishir Mittal !!??!!
–> P Bahadur !!??!!??
–> Atkins-advanced modern book… really modern.. really advanced…really unnecessary.. its tought to 2nd and 3rd yr undergrads !!??!!??!!
(God Help ME.. i dont know a single reliable book for physical chemistry at JEE level.. VKJ and NA came up with a book on Physical + Inorganic..
I haven’t seen it.. but since I have learnt from them, I can say that the book should be good)

Use of study materials 4 problem solving and revision recommended


1. Algebra
–> Hall and Knight
–> Bernard and Child

2. Trigo
–> Loney

3. Coordinate
–> Loney

4. Calculus
–> Thomas Finney
–> Shanti Narayan
–> GN Berman
–> Das Mukherjee
–> I A Maron
–> Dasgupta
–> TMH
–> ML Khanna

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