
Top 10 Short Term Courses After 12th for Science Students


JustBaazaar Editor

After completing 12th grade in the science stream, students often look for short-term courses that can provide them with specialized skills and enhance their career prospects.

Top 10 Short Term Courses After 12th for Science Students

Here’s a list of the top 10 short-term courses that can be highly beneficial for science students:

1. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT)

  • Duration: 6 months to 2 years
  • Overview: This course trains students to work as laboratory technicians, where they learn to perform various tests and analyze medical samples.
  • Career Prospects: Medical Laboratory Technician, Lab Assistant

2. Certificate in Data Science and Machine Learning

  • Duration: 3 to 6 months
  • Overview: This course covers the basics of data analysis, machine learning algorithms, and their applications.
  • Career Prospects: Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist

3. Diploma in Radiology Technology

  • Duration: 1 year
  • Overview: Students learn about imaging techniques like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs. This course prepares them to assist radiologists in diagnostic procedures.
  • Career Prospects: Radiology Technician, MRI Technician, CT Scan Technician

4. Certificate Course in Digital Marketing

  • Duration: 3 to 6 months
  • Overview: This course teaches the fundamentals of online marketing, including SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing.
  • Career Prospects: Digital Marketer, SEO Specialist, Social Media Manager

5. Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharm)

  • Duration: 2 years
  • Overview: This course provides knowledge about pharmaceuticals, including how to prepare and dispense medications.
  • Career Prospects: Pharmacist, Pharmacy Assistant, Clinical Pharmacist

6. Certificate in Web Designing

  • Duration: 6 months
  • Overview: This course covers web design principles, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other tools necessary for creating websites.
  • Career Prospects: Web Designer, Front-End Developer, UX/UI Designer

7. Certificate in Biotechnology

  • Duration: 6 months to 1 year
  • Overview: This course focuses on the application of biotechnology in various fields such as agriculture, medicine, and environmental science.
  • Career Prospects: Biotechnologist, Research Assistant, Quality Control Analyst

8. Diploma in Environmental Science

  • Duration: 1 year
  • Overview: This course addresses environmental issues and teaches students how to manage natural resources and develop sustainable solutions.
  • Career Prospects: Environmental Consultant, Environmental Scientist, Conservation Officer

9. Certificate in Ethical Hacking

  • Duration: 3 to 6 months
  • Overview: Students learn about network security, penetration testing, and how to protect systems from cyber attacks.
  • Career Prospects: Ethical Hacker, Cyber Security Analyst, Network Security Engineer

10. Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics

  • Duration: 6 months to 1 year
  • Overview: This course covers the basics of human nutrition, diet planning, and health management.
  • Career Prospects: Nutritionist, Dietitian, Health Coach


Choosing the right short-term course after 12th can significantly impact your career trajectory. These courses not only provide specialized skills but also open doors to various career opportunities. Whether you are interested in healthcare, technology, environmental science, or digital marketing, there is a course tailored for you. Make an informed decision based on your interests and career goals to pave the way for a successful future.

Top 20 FAQs About Short Term Courses After 12th for Science Students

  1. Q: What are short-term courses?
    • A: Short-term courses are specialized training programs designed to be completed within a short period, typically ranging from a few months to a year, to provide specific skills or knowledge.
  2. Q: Why should I consider short-term courses after 12th?
    • A: Short-term courses can enhance your skills, improve your employability, and provide a focused education that complements your long-term career goals without the time and financial commitment of a full degree program.
  3. Q: Are short-term courses valuable for career prospects?
    • A: Yes, they are valuable as they provide practical skills that are often in demand by employers, making you more competitive in the job market.
  4. Q: Can I pursue short-term courses alongside my undergraduate studies?
    • A: Absolutely. Many short-term courses offer flexible schedules, including online and part-time options, making it possible to pursue them alongside your undergraduate studies.
  5. Q: Do I need to have a science background to enroll in these courses?
    • A: While a science background can be beneficial, many short-term courses are designed to accommodate students from various educational backgrounds. Check the prerequisites for each course.
  6. Q: How do I choose the right short-term course for me?
    • A: Consider your interests, career goals, and the skills you want to acquire. Research the course content, duration, and career opportunities associated with each course.
  7. Q: Are online short-term courses as effective as offline ones?
    • A: Yes, many online short-term courses are designed to be highly effective, offering interactive content, practical assignments, and even virtual labs. They provide flexibility and can be just as valuable as offline courses.
  8. Q: What is the typical duration of short-term courses?
    • A: The duration can range from a few weeks to a year, depending on the complexity and depth of the course material.
  9. Q: How much do short-term courses cost?
    • A: The cost varies widely based on the course, institution, and mode of delivery (online or offline). Prices can range from a few thousand to several lakhs of rupees.
  10. Q: Will short-term courses provide me with a certification?
    • A: Yes, most short-term courses offer a certificate upon completion, which can be a valuable addition to your resume.
  11. Q: Can I get a job immediately after completing a short-term course?
    • A: Many short-term courses are designed to make you job-ready, equipping you with practical skills that are in demand by employers, thereby increasing your chances of finding a job quickly.
  12. Q: Are there any scholarships available for short-term courses?
    • A: Some institutions and organizations offer scholarships for short-term courses. It’s advisable to check with the course provider for available financial aid options.
  13. Q: What are the prerequisites for enrolling in short-term courses?
    • A: Prerequisites vary by course. Some may require basic knowledge in a related field, while others may have no prerequisites. Always check the specific requirements for each course.
  14. Q: Do short-term courses include practical training?
    • A: Many short-term courses, especially in technical and healthcare fields, include practical training components such as labs, workshops, or internships.
  15. Q: Can short-term courses help in getting internships?
    • A: Yes, completing a relevant short-term course can make you a more attractive candidate for internships by demonstrating your commitment to gaining practical skills in a specific area.
  16. Q: Are short-term courses recognized by employers?
    • A: Many short-term courses are recognized and valued by employers, especially if they are offered by reputable institutions or cover skills that are in high demand.
  17. Q: Can short-term courses lead to further education opportunities?
    • A: Yes, completing a short-term course can sometimes serve as a stepping stone to more advanced studies or degree programs in a related field.
  18. Q: How do I verify the credibility of a short-term course?
    • A: Research the institution offering the course, read reviews from past students, check the course curriculum, and see if the course is accredited or recognized by industry bodies.
  19. Q: What are some popular platforms for online short-term courses?
    • A: Popular platforms include Coursera, Udemy, edX, Khan Academy, and LinkedIn Learning, among others.
  20. Q: Can short-term courses be customized to fit my career needs?
    • A: Some courses offer customizable learning paths or elective modules, allowing you to tailor the curriculum to better fit your specific career objectives.

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