
Amit Shah

Congress Vows to Repeal CAA in 2024 Elections: Political Showdown Ensues

Amit Shah BJP

In a significant move ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Congress party has pledged to repeal the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) if voted to power. The announcement has sparked a fierce political battle between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the opposition Congress. The announcement was made by senior Congress leader …

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CAA Act 2019 in India

Dive deep into the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019 in India, exploring its benefits, the controversies it sparked, and essential insights. This guide provides a comprehensive understanding for those seeking clarity on the CAA Act

The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019 is a significant piece of legislation passed by the Indian Parliament, which has stirred a great deal of discussion and debate across the nation and beyond. In its essence, the CAA seeks to provide a pathway to Indian citizenship for certain persecuted minorities from neighboring countries. Here’s a …

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