The Swadhar Greh Scheme is a critical social welfare initiative by the Government of India, designed to provide support and shelter to women in distress. Launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, the scheme focuses on women who are in difficult situations, such as those who are homeless, abandoned, survivors of violence, or without family support.

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The benefit of the component could be availed by women above 18 years of age in the following categories:
  1. Women who are deserted and are without any social and economic support;
  2. Women survivors of natural disasters who have been rendered homeless and are without any social and economic support;
  3. Women prisoners released from jail and are without family, social and economic support;
  4. Women victims of domestic violence, family tension or discord, who are made to leave their homes without any means of subsistence and have no special protection from exploitation and/ or facing litigation on account of marital disputes; and
  5. Trafficked women/girls rescued or run away from brothels or other places where they face exploitation and Women affected by HIV/AIDS who do not have any social or economic support. However such women/ girls should first seek assistance under UJJAWALA Scheme in areas where it is in operation.
  6. Women affected by domestic violence could stay up to one year. For other categories of women, the maximum period of stay could be up to 3 years. The older women above the 55 years of age may be accommodated for a maximum period of 5 years after which they will have to shift to old age homes or similar institutions.
Swadhar Greh facilities could also be availed by the children accompanying women in the above categories. Girls up to the age of 18 years and boys up to the age of 8 years would be allowed to stay in the Swadhar Greh with their mothers. (Boys of more than 8 years of age need to be shifted to the Children Homes run under JJ Act/ICPS.)

Objective of the Swadhar Greh Scheme

The primary aim of the Swadhar Greh Scheme is to create a supportive environment for women facing crises. It addresses the immediate needs of women in distress by providing them with:

  • Shelter
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Medical aid
  • Legal assistance
  • Counselling

In addition to these basic amenities, the scheme also emphasizes empowering women through vocational and skill development programs, helping them to reintegrate into society and become economically independent.


The objectives cited above would be pursued by adopting the following strategies:
  1. Temporary residential accommodation with the provision of food, clothing, medical facilities, etc.
  2. Vocational and skill up-gradation training for economic rehabilitation of such women
  3. Counseling, awareness generation and behavioral training
  4. Legal aid and Guidance
  5. Counseling through telephone

Who Benefits from the Scheme?

The Swadhar Greh Scheme is specifically designed for women who fall into vulnerable categories, including:

  • Widows and destitute women
  • Women survivors of natural disasters
  • Victims of domestic violence
  • Women who are deserted or facing family rejection
  • Trafficked women rescued or released from brothels or other exploitative situations

Structure of the Scheme

Under the Swadhar Greh Scheme, the government sets up shelter homes (called Swadhar Grehs) across the country. Each Swadhar Greh accommodates up to 30 women, providing them with a safe and supportive environment. These homes are equipped with all necessary facilities, including dormitories, kitchens, and counseling rooms.

Swadhar Greh homes are typically operated by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are selected and funded by the government. The NGOs are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the shelters, offering legal aid, vocational training, and other necessary services to help women rebuild their lives.

Key Features of the Swadhar Greh Scheme

  1. Holistic Care: The scheme takes a multi-dimensional approach to care, addressing physical, emotional, and psychological needs of women in crisis.
  2. Skill Development: Women residing in Swadhar Grehs are encouraged to participate in various skill development and vocational training programs. This empowers them to become self-reliant and capable of supporting themselves financially.
  3. Legal Assistance: The scheme provides legal aid to women facing legal disputes, including those related to divorce, domestic violence, and property rights.
  4. Counselling Services: Psychological support is a key component of the Swadhar Greh Scheme. Counsellors are available to help women cope with trauma and provide guidance on life skills and decision-making.
  5. Rehabilitation and Reintegration: The ultimate goal of the scheme is to rehabilitate and reintegrate women back into society by facilitating employment opportunities and helping them find long-term housing solutions.

Impact of the Scheme

Since its inception, the Swadhar Greh Scheme has had a profound impact on the lives of many women in India. It has provided a lifeline to those who would otherwise be left vulnerable and unsupported. By offering a comprehensive support system, the scheme not only shelters women but also empowers them to rebuild their lives and regain their dignity.


The benefit of the component could be availed by women above 18 years of age in the following categories:
      1. Women who are deserted and are without any social and economic support;
      2. Women survivors of natural disasters who have been rendered homeless and are without any social and economic support;
      3. Women prisoners released from jail and are without family, social and economic support;
      4. Women victims of domestic violence, family tension or discord, who are made to leave their homes without any means of subsistence and have no special protection from exploitation and/ or facing litigation on account of marital disputes; and
      5. Trafficked women/girls rescued or run away from brothels or other places where they face exploitation and Women affected by HIV/AIDS who do not have any social or economic support. However such women/ girls should first seek assistance under UJJAWALA Scheme in areas where it is in operation.
      6. Women affected by domestic violence could stay up to one year. For other categories of women, the maximum period of stay could be up to 3 years. The older women above the 55 years of age may be accommodated for a maximum period of 5 years after which they will have to shift to old age homes or similar institutions.
Swadhar Greh facilities could also be availed by the children accompanying women in the above categories. Girls up to the age of 18 years and boys up to the age of 8 years would be allowed to stay in the Swadhar Greh with their mothers. (Boys of more than 8 years of age need to be shifted to the Children Homes run under JJ Act/ICPS.)


Application Process

A woman affected by violence can access OSC in the following manner:
  1. By herself;
  2. Through any person including any public-spirited citizen, public servant (as defined under section 21 of Indian Penal Code, 1860), relative, friend, NGO, volunteer etc. ,
  3. Through Women Helpline integrated with police, ambulance, and other emergency response helplines.
The applicant can visit the directory website and contact helpline according to their location

Documents Required

The documents required shall be notified to you by the helpcentre.


The Swadhar Greh Scheme is a vital step towards the protection and empowerment of women in distress. By providing shelter, care, and the tools necessary for self-sufficiency, the scheme helps women regain control over their lives, creating a ripple effect that benefits not just the individual but society as a whole.


1. What is the Swadhar Greh Scheme?

The Swadhar Greh Scheme is a government initiative aimed at providing shelter, food, clothing, medical aid, legal assistance, and vocational training to women in difficult situations, such as those abandoned by their families, victims of violence, or destitute.

2. Who is eligible to benefit from the Swadhar Greh Scheme?

The scheme targets women who are in distress, including widows, victims of domestic violence, trafficked women, and those without family support. Women over 18 years of age facing difficult circumstances are eligible.

3. What services are provided under the Swadhar Greh Scheme?

The scheme offers shelter, food, clothing, medical care, legal aid, counseling, and vocational training to help women become self-reliant.

4. How many women can be accommodated in one Swadhar Greh?

Each Swadhar Greh can accommodate up to 30 women at a time.

5. Is there any age restriction for women to benefit from this scheme?

Yes, the scheme is primarily for women over 18 years of age. However, girls under 18 who are in distress can be linked to other relevant schemes for children.

6. Who operates the Swadhar Greh homes?

Swadhar Greh homes are typically run by NGOs, voluntary organizations, or other institutions selected and funded by the government.

7. How can a woman access Swadhar Greh services?

A woman can approach local authorities, women’s organizations, or directly contact a Swadhar Greh shelter for assistance. NGOs operating the scheme also help identify women in need.

8. What kind of vocational training is provided under this scheme?

Vocational training varies depending on the location and needs of the women, but it may include skills like tailoring, handicrafts, computer literacy, beauty training, and other employment-related skills.

9. Is there any fee or charge to avail services under the Swadhar Greh Scheme?

No, all services provided under the Swadhar Greh Scheme are free of charge for women in distress.

10. What is the duration of stay for women in Swadhar Greh homes?

Women can stay in a Swadhar Greh for a maximum of 3 years. In special cases, this can be extended based on individual circumstances.

11. Does the Swadhar Greh Scheme provide financial assistance directly to women?

No, the scheme does not offer direct financial assistance. However, it offers resources such as shelter, food, and skill development to help women rebuild their lives.

12. Can women with children access the Swadhar Greh Scheme?

Yes, women with children can access the Swadhar Greh Scheme. Boys under 12 and girls of any age can stay with their mothers in the shelter.

13. Are Swadhar Greh shelters available throughout India?

Yes, Swadhar Greh shelters are set up in various states across India, with a focus on areas that have high numbers of women in distress.

14. Does the Swadhar Greh Scheme help with legal matters?

Yes, the scheme provides legal aid to women for issues like domestic violence, property rights, divorce, and other legal disputes.

15. What is the role of NGOs in the Swadhar Greh Scheme?

NGOs play a crucial role in identifying women in need, managing the Swadhar Greh homes, and providing vocational training, counseling, and legal assistance.

16. How does the scheme empower women?

The Swadhar Greh Scheme empowers women by providing them with a safe environment, vocational training for employment, and counseling to help them become self-sufficient and reintegrate into society.

17. Can women with mental health issues benefit from this scheme?

Yes, women with mental health issues can benefit from the Swadhar Greh Scheme, as it offers medical aid, including psychiatric counseling and treatment.

18. Is there a limit on the number of times a woman can use the scheme?

There is no specific limit on the number of times a woman can access the scheme, but the duration of stay in a Swadhar Greh is limited to 3 years.

19. How does the government fund the Swadhar Greh Scheme?

The government funds the scheme by providing financial assistance to NGOs and other organizations that run Swadhar Greh shelters. The funds cover the cost of shelter, food, vocational training, and other services.

20. What is the process for NGOs to apply to run a Swadhar Greh?

NGOs interested in running Swadhar Greh homes must submit an application to the Ministry of Women and Child Development or the state department responsible for women’s welfare. They must meet certain eligibility criteria and demonstrate their capacity to provide the services outlined in the scheme.