Rajesh Murthy is one of the Best Productivity Coaches in India you can ever have. If you believe that your productivity can be increased and looking for ways to do the same, approach Rajesh Murthy, the Leading productivity coach in India.

Rajesh Murthy – Leading Productivity Coach in India.

“Staying productive and getting the right things done is an extraordinary feat for most people.”
Since October 1997, Professionals of every kind, Entrepreneurs, and corporates have chosen Rajesh Murthy as the ‘Go-To Man’ to get truly important things done in the midst of their chaotic and incredibly hectic world.

The first category of people
He helps are the ones who are ‘talented individuals’ who KNOW what to do to get results but are unable to MAKE themselves do it. So, for years, they keep ‘getting in their own way of success’ and are looking for a way out.

As a ‘Productivity Advisor’, he uncovers an ‘Awareness Lever’ most people don’t know they can access. This A- Lever quickly shows you how you can change how you think, so you can begin to change how you act. It is proven to ‘shake the old you up’ and helps you get rid of parts of yourself that have been holding you back.

People who are in their niche (who are selected after a stringent screening process) often get ‘extra-ordinary things*’ done by switching off the autopilot and start making deliberate choices about their attention, decisions & energy and then do what matters most – every day.

* Extra Ordinary means a breakthrough that they are most happy about; varies from person to person and is totally individualistic.

By working on your life habits, thinking & eating habits synchronously, your fixed way of being…begins to change…helping you ‘get out of your own way’. And those who do this are amazed.

The second category of people
He helps are Entrepreneurs/ Professionals who are ‘driven workaholics’; the ones who often give their best to their jobs but end up being tired & stressed out and want to figure a way out of it.

These are individuals, who often give so much of themselves to their work, live hectic, high energy and an overwhelming life and often have nothing left to give the people who love them’.

He helps them to intelligently get off the ‘workaholic treadmill’ without losing momentum and live their lives in greater alignment and control.

The stress, chaos and noise around them are controlled by providing them with a path that will prevent them from burning out physically & mentally. Those useful frameworks, help them focus energy and zero in on what’s really important while maintaining high levels of momentum.

It’s an unusual step–by–step plan that helps you manage your attention, decisions & energy. So, when a person buys into the path, they are essentially working on their life habits, thinking & eating habits.

His mastermind or Inner circle membership programs contain practical solutions to productivity, stress & today’s burnout challenges. The tools he provides are insightful, well researched, yet simple enough to apply each day in your work & life.

Entrepreneurs/ Professionals who are of the ‘driven type’; the ones who want to know how to stop before they crash should often choose this path to get their work-life organized, starting from the inside out.


Do you know anyone who belongs to any of the categories mentioned above and wants to know more about something like that?


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