
Love ‘Raita’? Try these Delicious Recipes to Beat the Summer Heat


JustBaazaar Editor

As the temperature rises and the scorching summer sun beats down upon us, there’s nothing quite as refreshing and comforting as a bowl of cool, creamy raita. This traditional Indian side dish not only adds a burst of flavor to any meal but also helps beat the heat with its cooling properties. Whether you’re a fan of the classic cucumber raita or looking to explore new variations, we’ve got you covered with these delightful raita recipes that are perfect for summer.

Love 'Raita'? Try these Delicious Recipes to Beat the Summer Heat

  1. Classic Cucumber Raita: Ingredients:
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 cucumber, grated
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon chopped mint leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • A pinch of black salt (optional)
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnish


  1. In a bowl, whisk the yogurt until smooth.
  2. Add the grated cucumber, cumin powder, chopped mint leaves, salt, and black salt (if using). Mix well.
  3. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.
  4. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.
  5. Mint and Coriander Raita: Ingredients:
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/4 cup chopped mint leaves
  • 1/4 cup chopped coriander leaves
  • 1 green chili, finely chopped (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon roasted cumin powder
  • Salt to taste


  1. In a bowl, whisk the yogurt until smooth.
  2. Add the chopped mint leaves, coriander leaves, green chili (if using), roasted cumin powder, and salt. Mix well.
  3. Chill in the refrigerator for about 20-30 minutes before serving.
  4. Fruit Raita: Ingredients:
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/2 cup mixed fruits (such as grapes, apples, pomegranate seeds, and pineapple), finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon honey (adjust to taste)
  • A pinch of black salt
  • A pinch of roasted cumin powder
  • Chopped nuts for garnish (optional)


  1. In a bowl, whisk the yogurt until smooth.
  2. Add the chopped mixed fruits, honey, black salt, and roasted cumin powder. Mix well.
  3. Garnish with chopped nuts, if desired.
  4. Chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before serving.


These delicious raita recipes are not only a treat for your taste buds but also a perfect way to cool down during the hot summer months. Whether you prefer the classic cucumber raita, the refreshing mint and coriander raita, or the fruity twist, there’s a raita for everyone to enjoy. So, beat the heat and indulge in these creamy delights to elevate your summer dining experience.


  1. What is raita?
    • Raita is a traditional Indian yogurt-based condiment or side dish that is served chilled. It is often flavored with various spices, herbs, and vegetables.
  2. What are the main ingredients in raita?
    • The main ingredients in raita typically include yogurt, vegetables (such as cucumber, tomato, or onion), spices (such as cumin and coriander), and herbs (such as mint and cilantro).
  3. Is raita spicy?
    • Raita can be customized to suit individual preferences. While some versions of raita may include spicy elements like green chili, others may be mild or even sweet.
  4. What is the purpose of raita?
    • Raita serves as a cooling and refreshing accompaniment to spicy Indian dishes. Its creamy texture and subtle flavors help balance the heat and richness of curries and other dishes.
  5. Can raita be made in advance?
    • Yes, raita can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator until serving time. In fact, allowing the flavors to meld together for a while can enhance the taste of the raita.
  6. How long does raita last in the refrigerator?
    • Raita can typically be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Make sure to keep it covered in an airtight container to maintain its freshness.
  7. Can I use Greek yogurt to make raita?
    • Yes, Greek yogurt can be used to make raita. It will yield a thicker and creamier texture compared to regular yogurt.
  8. Is raita gluten-free?
    • Yes, raita is naturally gluten-free as it does not contain any gluten-containing ingredients.
  9. Can I make vegan raita?
    • Yes, you can make vegan raita by using dairy-free yogurt alternatives, such as almond or coconut yogurt.
  10. What are some variations of raita?
    • Some popular variations of raita include cucumber raita, mint raita, fruit raita, onion raita, and boondi raita.
  11. Is raita served hot or cold?
    • Raita is typically served cold or at room temperature, making it a refreshing accompaniment to hot and spicy dishes.
  12. What dishes can I serve raita with?
    • Raita pairs well with a variety of Indian dishes such as biryani, pulao, kebabs, and curry dishes. It can also be served as a dip with crispy snacks like samosas or papadums.
  13. Can I customize raita according to my taste preferences?
    • Yes, raita is highly customizable. You can adjust the ingredients and spices according to your taste preferences.
  14. Can I use yogurt with different fat levels to make raita?
    • Yes, you can use yogurt with different fat levels (such as full-fat, low-fat, or fat-free) to make raita. Keep in mind that the fat content will affect the creaminess of the raita.
  15. Can I add nuts to raita?
    • Yes, chopped nuts such as almonds, cashews, or pistachios can be added to raita for added texture and flavor.
  16. How do I make raita less spicy?
    • To make raita less spicy, you can reduce or omit the addition of green chili or other spicy ingredients.
  17. Can I use dried herbs instead of fresh herbs in raita?
    • While fresh herbs provide a more vibrant flavor, you can use dried herbs as a substitute. Just keep in mind that dried herbs are more potent, so you’ll need to use a smaller quantity.
  18. Can I make sweet raita?
    • Yes, you can make sweet raita by adding ingredients like fruits (such as mango or pineapple) and honey or sugar instead of savory spices.
  19. Can I use raita as a salad dressing?
    • Yes, you can use raita as a creamy dressing for salads, especially those with Indian-inspired flavors.
  20. Is raita a healthy option?
    • Raita can be a healthy option, especially when made with low-fat yogurt and loaded with fresh vegetables and herbs. It provides probiotics from yogurt and nutrients from the added ingredients, making it a nutritious addition to meals. However, portion control is important, especially if it contains high-fat ingredients like nuts or full-fat yogurt.

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