
How To Crack Job Interview Successfully!


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How to crack job interview successfully, interviewers with candidate

Well! This is one of the most frequent questions my students ask me. Even I asked this same question to many including my mentors when I was looking for a job after my graduation. The question, “How To Crack Job Interview Successfully?”

How To Crack Job Interview Successfully!

Here you go!

First thing first – Be Prepared 

One should be prepared before for some basic interview questions like

How to crack job interview successfully, interviewers with candidate
Interview Session
  • Tell me something about yourself.
  • What are your hobbies or interests?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What is your educational background?
  • Share your experience.

What you have to do is that you need to practice these questions before the interview and you must try to make them interesting. For this, you can seek help from anyone for mock interviews. See How to appear in an interview.

Do Your Homework

It is important to study about the company in which you are going to appear for the interview. I suggest you to understand the profile and job responsibilities beforehand.

Try to know about the history of the organization. Understand its culture and environment it offers to its employees. What employees get from this company.

Also, know the objectives of the company. You must get familiar with their website and go through all the data available on the website. These things will help you answer in interview efficiently.Top Tips for cracking Job Interview

You can go through their press releases too.

Practice Reading and Speaking

I am sure your interview is going to happen in The English Langauge. Practice speaking and listening English a lot well in advance. If your English needs improvement, click HERE.

Practice Makes Perfect.

Be On Time

This is an important thing for many reasons. First, it shows your sincerity and punctuality. You are considered a professional person if you are always on time and especially for an interview.

You must reach the interview venue on time. It is considered bad and unprofessional if you are reaching late. Always try to leave your house early/well in advance. You must consider the problems on the way like traffic.

The benefit of reaching interview venue early is you get to know more about the company. You feel comfortable and connected with the organization/company.

Suit Up

I have mentioned in my video what to wear to an interview. Watch the video HERE. As it is said, your first impression is your look and appearance and the first impression is the last impression. Therefore, you need to dress to impress. You should wear crispy and ironed clothes which are formal, clean black polished shoes. Groom your beard or shave.

The people who dress appropriately are at the preference of the interviewers than those who are shabbily dressed.

Be Confident

The best thing for the candidate is his or her confidence level. First of all, do not be nervous. Second, do not let your face show your nervousness. Let me tell you that a confident person is never nervous. Therefore no need to hide your nervousness as it is not there. You cannot hide something which does not exist.

Always look confident. A confident person always handles the situation in a better way. There is no company in the world which wants to hire a person with low confidence or shaking at the time of interview.

You can use Power Pose. Watch My Video on Power Pose.

Power Poses You can use before your Interview: High Power Poses

What is power pose

Be Honest and Flexible

It is always the best policy, to be honest in your interview. Answer all the questions honestly. Because wrong or fake answers can backfire on you in future.

If you do not know anything, express it with confidence.

Honesty is the best policy.

How To Crack Job Interview Successfully

Carry An Updated Resume

All your preparations are going to be wasted if your resume is not updated and does not look attractive.

Your resume should be precise and not too lengthy. One page resumes are considered ideal where you can have a 2-page resume if you have a great experience.

Your resume is something which sells you to the company/interviewer.

Enhance it with all the skills you possess and include all your experiences in the past. Never try to fabricate your resume with wrong or misleading information.

Be Friendly and Comfortable

Your interviewer is observing you in every possible way. Try to be friendly and maintain a slight smile. A smile is infectious in a positive way. A smile helps you hide your nervousness as well in case you have.

Feel free to ask questions to your interviewer. Never leave the room without getting the name and role of the interviewer. It shows your confidence as well. All these things show that you are an open person.

Get All your doubts answered before you leave.

Ask for Feedback

You can ask for the feedback. Chances of getting selected and something like that. But make sure you are polite and positive while asking. It shows that you are really interested and keen on the job.

I am sure this article is going to help you whether you are a fresher or an experienced candidate.

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Wish you all the best!
Suniltams Guruji

Suniltams English Teacher English Guru Aligarh Best Tutor, Spoken English Aligarh
Suniltams GurJiMotivational Speaker, Life Skill and Business Coach

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