Arvind Kejriwal, a name synonymous with Indian politics’ transformative wave, stands as a symbol of change, resilience, and unwavering dedication. From an anti-corruption crusader to the Chief Minister of Delhi, his journey is nothing short of remarkable. This blog delves into the life, career, and controversies of Arvind Kejriwal, exploring the multifaceted persona of one of India’s most intriguing political figures.

Arvind Kejriwal: The Journey of a Transformative Leader

Early Life and Education

Arvind Kejriwal was born on August 16, 1968, in Siwani, Haryana, a small town known for its agrarian roots. His early life was characterized by a strong emphasis on education and a burgeoning interest in social issues. Growing up in a family that valued education, Kejriwal excelled academically from a young age.


  1. Schooling: Kejriwal completed his schooling in Haryana, where he showed a propensity for academic excellence and a curiosity about the world around him.
  2. Undergraduate Studies: His academic journey took a significant turn when he pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. IIT Kharagpur is renowned for its rigorous engineering curriculum and is considered one of the premier engineering institutions in India. Kejriwal’s time at IIT was pivotal in shaping his analytical skills and problem-solving abilities.At IIT Kharagpur, Kejriwal not only honed his technical skills but also developed a keen interest in social issues. His involvement in various student activities and his engagement with societal challenges highlighted his growing concern for public welfare.

Early Influences and Career Choices:

  • Technical and Social Interests: The combination of a solid technical education and an enduring commitment to social causes set the stage for Kejriwal’s future career. After graduating from IIT Kharagpur, he worked in various roles that allowed him to blend his technical expertise with his desire to contribute to society.
  • Social Service Work: His passion for social service was a significant driver behind his subsequent decisions. Kejriwal’s early experiences and his exposure to societal issues led him to seek ways to address public grievances and work towards improving governance.

Overall, Arvind Kejriwal’s early life and education were characterized by a dual focus on technical excellence and social awareness. This foundation proved instrumental in his later achievements in public administration and his role in transforming governance through his work with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).

Career and Activism

Before Arvind Kejriwal embarked on his political career, he made notable contributions as a civil servant and activist, laying the groundwork for his future roles in public life.

Civil Service Career:

  1. Indian Revenue Service (IRS): After completing his engineering degree from IIT Kharagpur, Kejriwal joined the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) in 1995. His work in the IRS, particularly in the Income Tax Department, was marked by a commitment to integrity and transparency. During his tenure, he was known for his efforts to combat corruption and inefficiencies within the system. His dedication to ethical practices earned him respect, but also revealed the deep-rooted corruption within the bureaucracy, which contributed to his growing frustration with the system.
  2. Disillusionment with Corruption: Despite his dedication, Kejriwal became increasingly disillusioned with the systemic corruption he encountered. His experiences as a civil servant highlighted the challenges and limitations of working within a corrupt system, which eventually led him to reconsider his approach to effecting change.

Activism and Political Awakening:

  1. India Against Corruption (IAC): In 2011, Kejriwal, along with renowned social activist Anna Hazare, emerged as a prominent figure in the anti-corruption movement. The India Against Corruption (IAC) movement aimed to address widespread corruption in India by advocating for stronger anti-corruption laws and greater transparency in governance. Kejriwal’s role in the movement was pivotal; he leveraged his understanding of bureaucracy and his commitment to social justice to drive the campaign forward.The movement gained massive public support and media attention, with nationwide protests and demonstrations demanding the implementation of the Jan Lokpal Bill—a proposed anti-corruption legislation. The success and visibility of the movement significantly raised Kejriwal’s profile and catalyzed his entry into politics.
  2. Formation of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP): Inspired by the momentum of the IAC movement and motivated by a desire to bring about systemic change, Kejriwal and other activists formed the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in November 2012. The party aimed to provide a political alternative that prioritized transparency, anti-corruption measures, and citizen involvement in governance. Kejriwal’s leadership and vision were central to the party’s platform, which resonated with many voters frustrated with traditional political practices.
  3. Political Career: In the 2013 Delhi Assembly elections, Kejriwal led the AAP to a historic victory, securing a majority and forming the government in Delhi. His tenure as Chief Minister marked an ambitious attempt to implement the party’s agenda on anti-corruption and governance reforms. Despite facing numerous challenges and controversies, Kejriwal’s role in reshaping Delhi’s political landscape and his efforts to tackle corruption remained central to his political career.

Arvind Kejriwal’s journey from a dedicated civil servant to a leading activist and politician reflects his commitment to fighting corruption and improving governance. His experiences in the IRS, combined with his activism, shaped his approach to politics and his vision for public service.

Political Ascent

Arvind Kejriwal’s political ascent is a compelling narrative of rapid rise and significant impact in Indian politics, marked by his innovative approach to governance and his dedication to reform.

Formation of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP):

  1. Founding of AAP: In November 2012, Arvind Kejriwal, along with fellow activists from the India Against Corruption (IAC) movement, founded the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). The party was established on principles of transparency, anti-corruption, and citizen empowerment, aiming to provide a political alternative to the entrenched parties and bring a new approach to governance.
  2. Early Campaigning: The party’s formation was a response to widespread public dissatisfaction with traditional political parties and their failure to address corruption and inefficiencies. Kejriwal’s charisma, combined with the party’s focus on clean governance and accountability, helped it gain rapid popularity among voters.

2013 Delhi Legislative Assembly Elections:

  1. Victory in New Delhi: In the December 2013 Delhi Legislative Assembly elections, AAP made a remarkable debut. Arvind Kejriwal contested from the New Delhi constituency and defeated the then Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit of the Indian National Congress (INC). This victory was symbolic of a broader public desire for change and reform in the political landscape.
  2. Formation of Government: Despite securing a significant number of seats, AAP did not achieve a majority. However, Kejriwal’s party formed a government with the support of the Indian National Congress (INC). Kejriwal was sworn in as Chief Minister of Delhi on December 28, 2013. His tenure was marked by swift and bold initiatives, including measures to combat corruption, improve public services, and enhance transparency in government operations.

2015 Delhi Legislative Assembly Elections:

  1. Landslide Victory: In the February 2015 Delhi Assembly elections, AAP achieved a historic landslide victory. The party won 67 out of 70 seats, a remarkable feat that underscored the public’s strong endorsement of Kejriwal’s governance and reform agenda. This overwhelming mandate allowed Kejriwal to form a government with a clear majority, setting the stage for significant policy implementation.
  2. Policy Focus: Kejriwal’s administration prioritized several key areas:
    • Education: The government implemented reforms aimed at improving the quality of education in Delhi’s government schools, including infrastructure upgrades and increased funding.
    • Health: AAP introduced measures to enhance healthcare services, including the expansion of government hospitals and the implementation of mohalla clinics (community health centers).
    • Electricity Reforms: The administration worked on reducing electricity tariffs and improving the quality of power supply, which garnered positive feedback from the public.
  3. Challenges and Criticisms: While Kejriwal’s government was praised for its focus on grassroots issues and transparency, it also faced criticism and challenges. The administration had to navigate complex political dynamics, including conflicts with the central government and allegations of administrative inefficiencies. The AAP’s approach to governance often polarized opinions, with supporters lauding its reformist agenda and critics questioning its execution and political strategy.

Legacy and Influence:

Arvind Kejriwal’s political ascent and his tenure as Delhi’s Chief Minister reflect his commitment to challenging the status quo and pursuing governance reforms. His approach, characterized by a focus on transparency and public engagement, has had a significant impact on Delhi’s political landscape and has positioned him as a key figure in contemporary Indian politics.

Controversies and Challenges

Arvind Kejriwal’s political career has indeed been marked by several controversies and challenges, reflecting the complexities and pressures of leading a major political movement and administration. Here’s a detailed look at some of the key controversies and challenges he has faced:

COVID-19 Pandemic Remarks:

  1. Criticism of Management and Statements: During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kejriwal made several statements regarding the handling of the crisis, which drew criticism from various quarters. His remarks on the management of the pandemic and the distribution of resources were scrutinized both nationally and internationally. Critics argued that some of his statements were overly optimistic or lacked practical solutions, while others viewed them as attempts to shift blame or distract from the administration’s shortcomings.
  2. Public Perception: These remarks impacted public perception of his leadership, with detractors accusing him of mismanagement and inadequately addressing the crisis. This period highlighted the challenges of governance during a global emergency and the scrutiny faced by leaders in managing public health crises.

Allegations of Corruption:

  1. Corruption Charges: Throughout his tenure, Kejriwal has faced various allegations of corruption. Critics have accused him and his party of mishandling funds or engaging in corrupt practices, although Kejriwal has consistently denied these allegations. The controversy surrounding these charges often involves political opponents and rival parties using these claims to challenge his credibility.
  2. Response to Allegations: Kejriwal’s response to corruption allegations has typically been to assert his commitment to transparency and to call for investigations into the charges. His approach has been to address these issues head-on, often framing them as politically motivated attacks.

Defamation Lawsuits:

  1. Legal Challenges: Kejriwal has been involved in several defamation lawsuits, primarily initiated by political opponents and public figures. These lawsuits often revolve around statements made by Kejriwal and his party members, which are alleged to be defamatory. The legal battles have added to the political and personal pressures he faces.
  2. Political Ramifications: These lawsuits have had significant political ramifications, contributing to a polarized public opinion. They also highlight the contentious nature of political discourse in India, where legal actions are frequently used as a tool in political rivalries.

Delhi Liquor Policy Scam:

  1. Arrest in 2024: One of the most significant controversies emerged in 2024 when Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the Delhi liquor policy scam. This case alleged irregularities in the implementation of the Delhi government’s liquor policy, with accusations of corruption and financial misconduct.
  2. Historical Impact: Kejriwal’s arrest made him the first sitting Chief Minister in Indian history to be arrested while in office. The arrest was a landmark event with major legal, political, and social implications. It brought intense scrutiny and debate, impacting both his career and the broader political landscape.
  3. Legal and Political Ramifications: The legal battles stemming from this case have been complex, involving high-profile court proceedings and significant media coverage. The political ramifications have included shifts in public opinion, increased opposition activity, and changes in the dynamics of Delhi’s political landscape.

Overall Impact:

Arvind Kejriwal’s political journey illustrates the challenges of navigating a complex political environment, particularly when confronting entrenched interests and dealing with significant public scrutiny. His career has been marked by both achievements and controversies, reflecting the contentious nature of modern politics and the difficulties of implementing reformative agendas while managing widespread criticism and legal challenges.

Personal Life

Arvind Kejriwal’s personal life is characterized by simplicity, strong family values, and a commitment to personal well-being. Here’s a closer look at his personal life:

Family Life:

  1. Marriage and Family: Arvind Kejriwal is married to Sunita Kejriwal, who is a former Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer. Sunita has played a supportive role in Kejriwal’s career, and their partnership is often highlighted as a source of stability for him. The couple has two children—a daughter and a son. Kejriwal’s family is known for maintaining a low profile, with a focus on family values and support for his public endeavors.
  2. Support System: Kejriwal’s family has been a significant pillar of support throughout his political career. Their presence and encouragement have been instrumental in his ability to navigate the challenges of public life.

Lifestyle and Beliefs:

  1. Simple Lifestyle: Despite his high-profile political career, Kejriwal is known for leading a simple and modest lifestyle. He has consistently emphasized his commitment to living in a manner that reflects his values and principles, often choosing a frugal approach to personal comfort and material possessions.
  2. Religious and Spiritual Practices: Kejriwal follows Hinduism and practices Vipassana meditation, a form of meditation that focuses on self-awareness and mental clarity. His engagement with Vipassana meditation reflects his interest in personal development and mindfulness, which he credits with helping him manage stress and maintain focus.
  3. Vegetarianism and Health: Kejriwal is a vegetarian, aligning with his personal beliefs and commitment to a healthy lifestyle. His dietary choices are part of his broader approach to health and well-being, which also includes regular exercise and a focus on physical fitness.

Public Perception:

  1. Image of Simplicity: Kejriwal’s personal lifestyle, characterized by simplicity and a focus on family values, has contributed to his public image as a leader who prioritizes ethical living and integrity. His personal choices, such as vegetarianism and meditation, are often highlighted as part of his broader commitment to personal and public values.
  2. Influence on Leadership: His personal life and values have influenced his approach to leadership and governance. Kejriwal’s emphasis on transparency, simplicity, and ethical conduct in his personal life is mirrored in his political agenda and public policies.

Overall, Arvind Kejriwal’s personal life reflects a commitment to simplicity, family values, and personal well-being, which complements his public persona as a reformist leader dedicated to ethical governance and social change.

Legacy and Impact

Arvind Kejriwal’s legacy in Indian politics is multifaceted, characterized by notable achievements and ongoing challenges. His impact on the political landscape has been profound, as he has introduced new paradigms of governance and citizen engagement. Here’s a comprehensive look at his legacy and impact:


  1. Anti-Corruption Crusade:
    • India Against Corruption Movement: Kejriwal’s role in the India Against Corruption (IAC) movement alongside Anna Hazare was a significant milestone. The movement brought corruption issues to the forefront of national discourse and pushed for the implementation of the Jan Lokpal Bill.
    • Legislative Reforms: Under his leadership, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) focused on implementing policies aimed at reducing corruption and enhancing transparency in governance.
  2. Governance Reforms:
    • Education: Kejriwal’s administration made significant strides in improving the quality of education in Delhi’s government schools. Initiatives included upgrading infrastructure, increasing funding, and enhancing teacher training, which led to noticeable improvements in educational outcomes.
    • Healthcare: The introduction of mohalla clinics, or neighborhood health centers, revolutionized access to primary healthcare in Delhi. These clinics provided free medical consultations and medicines, improving healthcare accessibility for the urban poor.
    • Electricity and Water: Kejriwal’s government worked on reducing electricity tariffs and ensuring free water supply up to a certain limit, which were popular measures among Delhi’s residents.
  3. Political Innovation:
    • Citizen Participation: Kejriwal promoted greater citizen participation in governance through initiatives like the Delhi Dialogue Commission, which sought public input on policy matters.
    • Transparent Governance: AAP’s emphasis on transparent governance practices, such as making budget allocations and expenditures public, set new standards for accountability in Indian politics.

Challenges and Controversies:

  1. Legal Battles and Allegations:
    • Defamation Lawsuits: Kejriwal faced multiple defamation lawsuits, reflecting the contentious nature of his political engagements and his outspoken criticism of opponents.
    • Delhi Liquor Policy Scam: In 2024, Kejriwal’s arrest by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with the Delhi liquor policy scam was a significant controversy. This case involved allegations of corruption in the formulation and implementation of the policy, making him the first sitting Chief Minister to be arrested while in office.
  2. Political Polarization:
    • Criticism and Opposition: Kejriwal’s political journey has been marked by intense criticism from opponents who accuse him of populism and administrative inefficiencies. His governance style and decisions have often polarized public opinion.
    • Struggles with Central Government: His tenure saw frequent clashes with the central government, especially over issues of jurisdiction and governance in Delhi, which complicated administrative processes and policy implementation.

Enduring Impact:

  1. Transformation in Politics:
    • New Political Culture: Kejriwal’s rise introduced a new political culture that emphasized grassroots engagement, transparency, and a break from traditional party politics. His approach inspired similar movements and political initiatives across India.
    • Empowerment of Common Citizens: The AAP’s success demonstrated the potential for common citizens to challenge established political elites and bring about significant political change.
  2. Policy Legacy:
    • Sustainable Reforms: Many of the reforms initiated by Kejriwal, particularly in education and healthcare, have set benchmarks for other states to follow. The emphasis on mohalla clinics and improved public schools remains a model for other regions.
    • Focus on Urban Governance: His administration’s focus on urban governance issues like pollution control, public transport, and civic amenities has highlighted the importance of addressing urban challenges in Indian politics.


Arvind Kejriwal’s journey from an activist to a prominent political leader is a narrative of resilience, reform, and relentless pursuit of a better India. His story is a testament to the power of conviction and the complexities of modern-day politics. As he navigates through legal and political challenges, Kejriwal’s impact on Indian governance and public life remains profound and transformative.

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Top 20 FAQs About Arvind Kejriwal

  1. Who is Arvind Kejriwal?
    • Arvind Kejriwal is an Indian politician and the current Chief Minister of Delhi. He is the founder and leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).
  2. When was Arvind Kejriwal born?
    • Arvind Kejriwal was born on August 16, 1968.
  3. What is Arvind Kejriwal’s educational background?
    • Kejriwal graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur.
  4. What was Arvind Kejriwal’s profession before entering politics?
    • Before entering politics, Kejriwal was a civil servant in the Indian Revenue Service (IRS).
  5. What is the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)?
    • The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a political party in India founded by Arvind Kejriwal in 2012. It focuses on anti-corruption and good governance.
  6. When did Arvind Kejriwal first become Chief Minister of Delhi?
    • Arvind Kejriwal first became Chief Minister of Delhi on December 28, 2013.
  7. What are some key achievements of Arvind Kejriwal’s tenure as Chief Minister?
    • Key achievements include significant improvements in Delhi’s education system, healthcare facilities, electricity and water supply reforms, and the implementation of the Mohalla Clinics initiative.
  8. What is the Delhi Liquor Policy Scam?
    • The Delhi Liquor Policy Scam refers to allegations of corruption and irregularities in the implementation of the Delhi liquor policy, leading to Kejriwal’s arrest by the Enforcement Directorate in 2024.
  9. Has Arvind Kejriwal been involved in any controversies?
    • Yes, Kejriwal has been involved in several controversies, including his remarks during the COVID-19 pandemic, defamation lawsuits, and his arrest related to the Delhi liquor policy scam.
  10. What is Arvind Kejriwal’s stance on corruption?
    • Kejriwal is a strong advocate against corruption and has been involved in various anti-corruption movements, including the India Against Corruption movement.
  11. What book did Arvind Kejriwal author, and what is it about?
    • Kejriwal authored the book “Swaraj,” which discusses his views on decentralization of government and the importance of local self-governance.
  12. Is Arvind Kejriwal married?
    • Yes, Arvind Kejriwal is married to Sunita Kejriwal, a former IRS officer.
  13. Does Arvind Kejriwal have children?
    • Yes, Arvind Kejriwal has a daughter and a son.
  14. What are some of Arvind Kejriwal’s personal beliefs and practices?
    • Kejriwal is a follower of Hinduism, practices Vipassana meditation, is a vegetarian, and is a devotee of B.R. Ambedkar.
  15. What was Arvind Kejriwal’s role in the India Against Corruption movement?
    • Kejriwal was a key leader in the India Against Corruption movement, which aimed to establish strong anti-corruption laws in India.
  16. What political positions has Arvind Kejriwal held?
    • Kejriwal has held the position of Chief Minister of Delhi and has contested elections for the Lok Sabha from the Varanasi constituency.
  17. How has Arvind Kejriwal contributed to Delhi’s education system?
    • Kejriwal’s government has made significant improvements to Delhi’s education system, including the renovation of government schools and the introduction of happiness and entrepreneurship curricula.
  18. What is the significance of Mohalla Clinics?
    • Mohalla Clinics are a flagship initiative of Kejriwal’s government, providing free primary healthcare services to residents of Delhi.
  19. What are some of the legal challenges Arvind Kejriwal has faced?
    • Kejriwal has faced several legal challenges, including defamation suits and his arrest related to the Delhi liquor policy scam.
  20. What is Arvind Kejriwal’s vision for India?
    • Kejriwal envisions a corruption-free India with decentralized governance, where local bodies like panchayats have significant power in decision-making and budget allocation.