
Appliance Care India



Since 2010, Appliance Care India aims to provide the best RO Service Center in Jaipur. The technicians at the RO Service center are professionally trained in RO services. Our technicians maintain proper hygiene, uses precise tools, best-fit merchandise, and the latest technologies. Appliance Care India offers an RO service, installation, repair & annual maintenance package which makes the maintenance and servicing of your RO water purifier more convenient and economical. We offer RO service for all types of RO Water Purifier like domestic RO, Commercial RO, Industrial RO.

Appliance Care India | RO Service Center in Jaipur


  • AC Care in Jaipur
  • RO Care
  • Refrigerator Care in Jaipur
  • Washing Machine Care in Jaipur



2, LavKush, Rajat Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302020

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +91 9549198190 , 9079857520

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