Learn Hindi Counting: A Complete Guide to Numbers 1 to 100

Guruji Sunil Chaudhary

हिंदी गिनती सीखना बच्चों और बड़ों के लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है, खासकर अगर आप हिंदी भाषा का गहन अध्ययन करना चाहते हैं। हिंदी गिनती का अभ्यास और उच्चारण समझना भाषा की बुनियाद को मजबूत करता है। इस ब्लॉग में हम हिंदी गिनती 1 से 100 तक को आसान तरीके से समझेंगे और उच्चारण को सही करने पर ध्यान देंगे।

हिंदी गिनती 1 से 10 तक

पहले हम 1 से 10 तक की गिनती देखेंगे, जो कि हिंदी में सबसे बुनियादी है:

  1. एक (Ek)
  2. दो (Do)
  3. तीन (Teen)
  4. चार (Chaar)
  5. पाँच (Paanch)
  6. छह (Chhah)
  7. सात (Saat)
  8. आठ (Aath)
  9. नौ (Nau)
  10. दस (Das)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “एक” में ‘ए’ को स्पष्ट रूप से खींचें।
  • “पाँच” में ‘ँ’ की ध्वनि पर ध्यान दें।
  • “छह” का सही उच्चारण “छः” की तरह करना है, जो ‘ह’ की हल्की ध्वनि के साथ होता है।

हिंदी गिनती 11 से 20 तक

अब हम 11 से 20 तक की गिनती सीखेंगे, यह प्रारंभिक गिनती का अगला स्तर है:

  1. ग्यारह (Gyaarah)
  2. बारह (Baaraah)
  3. तेरह (Teerah)
  4. चौदह (Chaudah)
  5. पंद्रह (Pandrah)
  6. सोलह (Solah)
  7. सत्रह (Satrah)
  8. अठारह (Athaarah)
  9. उन्नीस (Unnees)
  10. बीस (Bees)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “ग्यारह” में ‘ग्य’ को स्पष्ट रूप से बोला जाता है।
  • “उन्नीस” में ‘उ’ पर जोर दें।
  • “अठारह” में ‘ठा’ की ध्वनि को अच्छी तरह से बोलें।

हिंदी गिनती 21 से 30 तक

इससे अगली गिनती आपको और बड़ी संख्या के लिए तैयार करती है:

  1. इक्कीस (Ikkees)
  2. बाईस (Baees)
  3. तेईस (Tees)
  4. चौबीस (Chauwees)
  5. पच्चीस (Pachchees)
  6. छब्बीस (Chhabbees)
  7. सत्ताईस (Sattaees)
  8. अट्ठाईस (Atthaees)
  9. उनतीस (Untees)
  10. तीस (Tees)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “इक्कीस” में ‘क’ को डबल करें।
  • “छब्बीस” में ‘छ’ की ध्वनि को स्पष्ट करें।
  • “अट्ठाईस” में ‘ट्ठ’ को सही ढंग से बोलना महत्वपूर्ण है।

हिंदी गिनती 31 से 40 तक

अब गिनती को और बढ़ाते हैं:

  1. इकतीस (Ikatees)
  2. बत्तीस (Battees)
  3. तैंतीस (Taintees)
  4. चौंतीस (Chauntees)
  5. पैंतीस (Paintees)
  6. छत्तीस (Chhattees)
  7. सैंतीस (Saaintees)
  8. अड़तीस (Adteees)
  9. उनतालीस (Untaalees)
  10. चालीस (Chalees)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “तैंतीस” और “पैंतीस” में ‘ै’ की ध्वनि पर जोर दें।
  • “अड़तीस” में ‘अड़’ को साफ़ बोलें।

हिंदी गिनती 41 से 50 तक

गिनती सीखते हुए अब हम 50 तक पहुँचते हैं:

  1. इकतालीस (Iktalees)
  2. बयालीस (Bayalees)
  3. तैंतालीस (Taentalis)
  4. चवालीस (Chavalis)
  5. पैंतालीस (Paitalis)
  6. छियालीस (Chhiyaalees)
  7. सैंतालीस (Saitalis)
  8. अड़तालीस (Adtalees)
  9. उन्चास (Unchaas)
  10. पचास (Pachaas)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “पचास” में ‘प’ और ‘च’ को साफ़ बोलें।
  • “उन्चास” में ‘न’ पर ध्यान दें।

हिंदी गिनती 51 से 60 तक

अब गिनती को 60 तक जारी रखते हैं:

  1. इक्यावन (Ikyaavan)
  2. बावन (Baavan)
  3. तिरपन (Tirapan)
  4. चौवन (Chauvan)
  5. पचपन (Pachpan)
  6. छप्पन (Chhappan)
  7. सत्तावन (Sattaavan)
  8. अट्ठावन (Atthaavan)
  9. उनसठ (Unsaṭh)
  10. साठ (Saath)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “इक्यावन” में ‘इ’ और ‘क’ की ध्वनि पर जोर दें।
  • “साठ” में ‘ठ’ को साफ़ और गहरी ध्वनि के साथ बोलें।

हिंदी गिनती 61 से 70 तक

अब हम गिनती को और आगे बढ़ाते हैं:

  1. इकसठ (Ikasaṭh)
  2. बासठ (Baasaṭh)
  3. तिरसठ (Tirasaṭh)
  4. चौसठ (Chaosaṭh)
  5. पैंसठ (Painsaṭh)
  6. छियासठ (Chhiyasaṭh)
  7. सड़सठ (Saṛasaṭh)
  8. अड़सठ (Aṛasaṭh)
  9. उनहत्तर (Unhattar)
  10. सत्तर (Sattar)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “सड़सठ” और “अड़सठ” में ‘ड़’ पर ध्यान दें।
  • “सत्तर” में ‘स’ और ‘त’ को स्पष्ट रखें।

हिंदी गिनती 71 से 80 तक

गिनती में अब और भी बड़ी संख्या सीखते हैं:

  1. इकहत्तर (Ikahattar)
  2. बहत्तर (Bahattar)
  3. तिहत्तर (Tihattar)
  4. चौहत्तर (Chauhattar)
  5. पचहत्तर (Pachhattar)
  6. छिहत्तर (Chhihattar)
  7. सतहत्तर (Satahattar)
  8. अठहत्तर (Aṭṭhattar)
  9. उन्यासी (Unyaasee)
  10. अस्सी (Asee)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “इकहत्तर” और “बहत्तर” में ‘ह’ को साफ़ बोलें।
  • “अस्सी” में ‘स’ को दोहराएं।

हिंदी गिनती 81 से 90 तक

यहाँ से गिनती बड़ी संख्याओं की ओर जाती है:

  1. इक्यासी (Ikyaasee)
  2. बयासी (Bayaasee)
  3. तिरासी (Tiraasee)
  4. चौरासी (Chouraasee)
  5. पचासी (Pachaasee)
  6. छियासी (Chhiyaasee)
  7. सत्तासी (Sattaasee)
  8. अठासी (Aṭṭhasee)
  9. नवासी (Navaasee)
  10. नब्बे (Nabbe)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “नब्बे” में ‘ब’ और ‘न’ की ध्वनि पर ध्यान दें।
  • “इक्यासी” और “बयासी” में ‘य’ पर ध्यान दें।

हिंदी गिनती 91 से 100 तक

अब गिनती को 100 तक पूरा करते हैं:

  1. इक्यानवे (Ikyaanwe)
  2. बानवे (Baanwe)
  3. तिरानवे (Tiraanwe)
  4. चौरानवे (Chauranwe)
  5. पचानवे (Pachaanwe)
  6. छियानवे (Chhiyaanwe)
  7. सत्तानवे (Sattaanwe)
  8. अठानवे (Aṭṭhaanwe)
  9. निन्यानवे (Ninyaanwe)
  10. सौ (Sau)

उच्चारण के टिप्स:

  • “सौ” में ‘स’ को सामान्य रूप से बोलें।
  • “इक्यानवे” में ‘न’ को स्पष्ट करें।

हिंदी गिनती को कैसे याद रखें?

हिंदी गिनती को याद रखना सरल है यदि आप इसे नियमित रूप से अभ्यास करते हैं। यहाँ कुछ सुझाव दिए जा रहे हैं जो आपके लिए मददगार हो सकते हैं:

  1. प्रतिदिन अभ्यास: रोजाना 1 से 100 तक की गिनती का अभ्यास करें।
  2. अधिनियम का उपयोग: दैनिक जीवन में गिनती का उपयोग करें जैसे कि वस्त्रों की गिनती, फलों की गिनती, आदि।
  3. गिनती की धुनें: बच्चों के लिए गिनती सिखाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका धुनें हैं। गिनती की धुनें गुनगुनाएं।
  4. फ्लैश कार्ड्स: गिनती के फ्लैश कार्ड्स बनाएं और उन्हें देख-देख कर बोलें।


हिंदी गिनती सीखना एक महत्वपूर्ण कौशल है और इसे सीखना आसान है, खासकर यदि आप इसे नियमित रूप से अभ्यास करते हैं। सही उच्चारण और रोजमर्रा की ज़िन्दगी में इसका इस्तेमाल आपको इसे और भी तेज़ी से सिखने में मदद करेगा। तो आज ही से अपनी हिंदी गिनती का अभ्यास शुरू करें!

Introduction to Hindi Counting

Counting is a fundamental aspect of communication and daily life that allows individuals to quantify and convey information efficiently. In the context of the Hindi language, understanding how to count is essential for both beginners and advanced learners. Hindi counting not only serves to facilitate conversational proficiency but also enriches one’s cultural awareness when interacting with Hindi-speaking communities.

The Hindi numerical system is distinct, incorporating unique characters and sounds that may differ significantly from those familiar to speakers of other languages, particularly English. The ability to count in Hindi encompasses both the recognition of numerals and the pronunciation of their corresponding names. This knowledge is crucial for various everyday situations, such as shopping, telling time, and making plans, where numbers play a central role.

Learning to count in Hindi introduces learners to numerals from 1 to 100, laying a foundational understanding of the language. Moreover, it opens doors to further exploration of mathematical concepts and enhances overall linguistic comprehension. The numerals in Hindi are built upon a combination of basic numbers with additional rules for forming tens, hundreds, and beyond, making it both a systematic and logical approach to counting.

In this blog post, readers can anticipate a comprehensive tutorial on Hindi numbering. We will explore the individual digits, the formation of numbers beyond ten, and practical tips for mastering pronunciation. Additionally, engaging exercises will be provided to reinforce learning and ensure proficiency in counting from 1 to 100. By the end of this guide, readers will possess the essential tools to navigate numbers in Hindi confidently and effectively.

Understanding Hindi Numerals

Hindi numerals form a significant element of the Hindi language and its rich cultural tapestry. Unlike the Western numerical system, which employs the Arabic numerals (0-9), the Hindi numeral system uses its own distinct symbols to represent numbers. This difference can be visually observed in their representation, where, for instance, the number ‘1’ is represented as ‘१’ in Hindi. Understanding this numeral system is crucial for anyone interested in learning the language or engaging with its speakers effectively.

To provide a foundational overview, here is a chart of Hindi numbers from 1 to 10:

  • 1 – १
  • 2 – २
  • 3 – ३
  • 4 – ४
  • 5 – ५
  • 6 – ६
  • 7 – ७
  • 8 – ८
  • 9 – ९
  • 10 – १०

The unique characteristics of Hindi numbers extend beyond their symbols. Each numeral has a distinct phonetic representation, facilitating pronunciation. For example, the numeral ‘1’ is pronounced as ‘ek’, while ‘2’ is pronounced as ‘do’. This phonetics-centered approach not only aids in verbal communication but also enhances the learning experience for Hindi students.

Another intriguing feature of Hindi numerals is their consonant-vowel syllable structure, which differs from the Western system’s reliance on single-syllable pronunciations. This complexity showcases the language’s phonetic richness and emphasizes the need for mastering both the symbols and their associated sounds when learning counting in Hindi.

In summary, grasping the fundamentals of the Hindi numeral system is essential for developing a deeper understanding of the language and its structure, along with effectively communicating numerical concepts in Hindi.

Counting from 1 to 10 in Hindi

Understanding how to count from 1 to 10 in Hindi is a foundational skill for anyone looking to master the language. The Hindi numerals are an integral part of everyday communication, enabling learners to engage in basic conversations, shopping, and many other daily activities. The numbers from one to ten in Hindi are: 1 – एक (ek), 2 – दो (do), 3 – तीन (tīn), 4 – चार (chār), 5 – पाँच (pāṅc), 6 – छः (chaḥ), 7 – सात (sāt), 8 – आठ (āṭh), 9 – नौ (nau), and 10 – दस (das).

To pronounce these numerals correctly, it is helpful to break down each number phonetically. For instance, the first numeral, एक (ek), is pronounced as it is spelled, with a short ‘e’ sound. Similarly, दो (do) also has a straightforward pronunciation. When learning three, तीन (tīn), the emphasis on the ‘ī’ sound is crucial. It is advisable for learners to repeat these pronunciations several times. Engaging with native speakers or using language learning apps can further enhance pronunciation skills.

In daily conversations, these numbers can be used in various contexts. When ordering food at a restaurant, one might say, “मुझे दो बोटल पानी चाहिए।” (Mujhe do botal pani chahiye) which translates to “I need two bottles of water.” Such practical examples allow learners to see how counting is applied in real-life scenarios. Memorizing these initial numbers can be aided by employing mnemonic devices or repetitive practice.

Furthermore, integrating these numbers into daily activities, such as counting items around the house or incorporating them into games, can significantly enhance retention. By consistently practicing counting from one to ten, learners will build a solid foundation for advancing to higher numerals in Hindi.

Counting from 11 to 20 in Hindi

In Hindi, the numbers from 11 to 20 have unique words that differ from the foundational numbers 1 to 10. Understanding how these numbers are constructed is vital for learners. The numbers 11 through 19 are formed by prefixing the word for ten, “दस” (das), with the unit values, except for the number 11 itself. Thus, 11 translates to “ग्यारह” (gyaarah). The numbers in this range are as follows:

  • 11 – ग्यारह (gyaarah)
  • 12 – बारह (baarah)
  • 13 – तेरह (terah)
  • 14 – चौदह (chaudah)
  • 15 – पंद्रह (pandrah)
  • 16 – सोलह (solah)
  • 17 – सत्रह (satrah)
  • 18 – अठारह (athaarah)
  • 19 – उन्नीस (unnais)
  • 20 – बीस (bees)

When constructing these numbers phonetically, it is essential to focus on the pronunciation nuances. For instance, “ग्यारह” has a soft ‘g’ and a rolled ‘r’, while “बीस” culminates in a clear ‘s’ sound. Practicing these subtle differences in intonation will enhance clarity when speaking Hindi.

It is also useful to see these numbers applied in context. For example, one might say, “मेरे पास ग्यारह सेब हैं” (Mere paas gyaarah seb hain) meaning “I have eleven apples.” Similarly, “मेरे पास चौदह किताबें हैं” (Mere paas chaudah kitaaben hain) translates to “I have fourteen books.” These phrases illustrate how numbers 11 to 20 integrate into everyday conversation, reinforcing their practical use within the language.

Mastering Tens: Counting from 21 to 100 in Hindi

In order to master counting from 21 to 100 in Hindi, it is essential to understand the structure and patterns intrinsic to the language. The Hindi counting system is fairly systematic, particularly when moving through decade increments. Starting with the number 21, you will observe that it is referred to as इक्कीस (ikkīs), which literally translates to “one and twenty.” This construction begins a pattern where numbers 21 to 29 use the suffix “इस” (is) for ‘one’ followed by “बीस” (bīs) for ‘twenty.’

As you progress into the 30s, the structure remains consistent. The number 30 is तीस (tīs), and to count from 31 to 39, one will again append the relevant unit number with “तीस.” For example, 31 is एकतीस (ektīs), denoting ‘one and thirty.’ Continuing this methodology establishes a rhythm in learning the Hindi numbers.

Alternatively, for the 40s, 50s, and beyond, the same pattern applies. The number 40 is चालीस (chālīs), and thus, 41 becomes एकचालीस (ekchālīs). Likewise, 50 is expressed as पचास (pacās), so 53 is तिरपन (tirpan), showcasing unique formations that deviate slightly yet remain rooted in the fundamental counting principles.

By the time you reach the 60s through 90s, each decade maintains this pattern, leading to easy memorization. The transitional phrases between decades such as “साठ” (sāṭh for 60) to “नब्बे” (nabbē for 90) hold importance as learners navigate the quantities. Therefore, with sufficient practice and a focus on these numerical correlations, counting in Hindi beyond 20 can become an intuitive process, aiding in overall learning effectiveness in using Hindi numerals.

Pronunciation Guide for Hindi Numbers

Pronunciation is a vital component when learning Hindi numbers, as it not only impacts clarity but also aids in effective communication. Hindi, being a phonetic language, has specific sounds associated with its numerals that may differ significantly from those in English. For instance, the number “1” is pronounced as “ek,” and the number “2” as “do.” To aid comprehension, connecting numeral sounds with their corresponding digits is essential.

To enhance auditory learning, we recommend utilizing online audio resources and videos. Websites like YouTube feature numerous channels dedicated to teaching Hindi numerals with proper pronunciation. These resources often include native speakers enunciating numbers, allowing learners to grasp subtle phonetic nuances. Listening to these pronunciations repeatedly can significantly improve one’s ability to articulate numbers accurately.

Practicing pronunciation is equally crucial. Consider creating your own exercises, such as counting aloud from 1 to 10, and gradually increasing to 100. Pausing after each numeral can give you the chance to reflect on sound production, helping you develop a clearer accent. Incorporating shadowing techniques, where you repeat what you hear immediately, can also be beneficial. This exercise builds muscle memory for your speech organs and reinforces the correct phonetic sounds.

Common challenges include differentiating sounds that may not exist in one’s native language. For example, the sound “r” in numerals like “chaar” (4) may conflict with English pronunciation. To overcome this, be patient and practice regularly, engaging in conversation with native speakers whenever possible to obtain real-time feedback. Remember, mastery of pronunciation takes time, so consistent effort will ultimately yield positive results.

Practical Examples of Using Numbers in Hindi

Understanding how to incorporate numbers into everyday conversations in Hindi can significantly enhance your proficiency. One common scenario where numbers are frequently used is telling time. In Hindi, the phrase for “What time is it?” translates to “समय क्या हुआ है?” (Samay kya hua hai?). When responding, you would indicate the hour, for instance, “चार बजे हैं” (Char baje hain) meaning “It is four o’clock.” Notice how the number is placed before the term for o’clock, illustrating the straightforward structure of the language.

Age is another context where numbers are essential in Hindi conversations. When discussing age, a person might say “मेरी उम्र 25 साल है” (Meri umar 25 saal hai), meaning “I am 25 years old.” This not only introduces the noun ‘years’ (साल) but also demonstrates how to construct sentences around ages. Additionally, inquiring about someone’s age can be achieved by asking “आपकी उम्र क्या है?” (Aapki umar kya hai?), which directly translates to “What is your age?”

Shopping is perhaps one of the most practical applications for using numbers in Hindi. Whether in a market or a store, you will frequently encounter situations where prices are discussed. For example, if a vendor states, “यह फल 50 रुपये का है” (Yeh phal 50 rupees ka hai), it translates to “This fruit costs 50 rupees.” To initiate a negotiation, one might respond, “क्या यह 40 रुपये में मिल सकता है?” (Kya yeh 40 rupees mein mil sakta hai?), meaning “Can this be offered for 40 rupees?” This type of dialogue not only helps with practical transactions but also contributes to mastering business-related vocabulary.

In summary, practicing numbers in practical situations like telling time, discussing age, and shopping enriches one’s conversational skills in Hindi. Mastering these basic dialogues will lay a solid foundation for effective communication in everyday life.

Fun Games and Activities to Learn Counting in Hindi

Learning counting in Hindi can be transformed into an enjoyable experience through various interactive games and activities. One effective method is the use of flashcards. Create a set of flashcards featuring Hindi numbers ranging from 1 to 100, accompanied by pictures of objects in quantities that correspond to the number. For instance, a card displaying the number “5” can include five apples. This visual association not only fosters recognition of numbers but also helps in understanding the concept of counting in a fun and engaging manner.

Counting songs are another entertaining avenue to enhance Hindi number learning. Many popular children’s songs can be adapted to include Hindi numbers, making it easy for learners to sing along while reinforcing their counting skills. For example, the classic “Five Little Ducks” can be modified to feature Hindi numbers, thus supporting auditory learners. The rhythm and melody assist in memorizing the numbers and make the learning process much more enjoyable.

Additionally, online quizzes present a modern way to engage learners in practicing their counting skills. Various websites and apps provide interactive quizzes that challenge users to identify Hindi numbers through multiple-choice questions or fill-in-the-blank formats. This method not only encourages practice but also allows learners to monitor their progress over time. Incorporating these gamified elements into the learning process helps to create a dynamic environment where repetition and practice are seamlessly integrated.

Furthermore, group activities, such as counting competitions or scavenger hunts, can significantly boost motivation. Participants can work in teams to find items corresponding to given Hindi numbers, promoting teamwork while simultaneously reinforcing counting skills. These interactive approaches to learning can greatly enhance retention and make the educational experience more memorable.

Conclusion and Next Steps

As we conclude our exploration of counting in Hindi, it’s essential to reflect on the knowledge you’ve acquired. Learning numbers from 1 to 100 is a foundational step in mastering the Hindi language. Familiarizing yourself with these basic structures enhances your ability to engage in everyday conversations, comprehend prices, and much more. The knowledge of Hindi numbers also serves as a gateway into more complex linguistic constructs, allowing for a more profound understanding of the language.

To further your journey in learning Hindi, consider utilizing a variety of resources available online and offline. Language learning apps such as Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Memrise offer interactive experiences tailored for Hindi learners. These platforms often include gamified features that make practice enjoyable and effectively reinforce your counting skills. Additionally, YouTube channels dedicated to language learning can provide visual and auditory reinforcement of Hindi numbers, making the learning process more dynamic and engaging.

Joining online forums or local language exchange groups can also enhance your learning. Engaging with native speakers allows for practical application and reinforcement of what you have learned concerning counting. Other activities such as watching Hindi movies or listening to Hindi music can augment your exposure and deepen your understanding of the language’s nuances.

As you progress, consider exploring related topics such as basic conversational phrases, grammar rules, or vocabulary associated with daily life. Each new subject will enrich your language learning experience and encourage a smoother transition into more advanced elements of Hindi. The path to fluency is ongoing; stay motivated, practice regularly, and embrace every opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry that the Hindi language represents.