40 Idioms with Hindi Meanings and Example Sentences: Here are 10 common English idioms with their Hindi meanings and example sentences:
40 Idioms with Hindi Meanings and Example Sentences
- Break a leg (हड्डी तोड़ दो) – This idiom is used to wish someone good luck.
- Hindi Meaning: किसी को शुभकामना देने का तरीका।
- Example: “You’re going to do great on your exam. Break a leg!”
- Bite the bullet (गोली मुँह में डालना) – To face a difficult or unpleasant situation bravely.
- Hindi Meaning: कठिनाइयों का सामना साहसपूर्वक करना।
- Example: “I had to bite the bullet and tell my boss about the mistake.”
- Cost an arm and a leg (हाथ और पैर का जीमा) – Something that is very expensive.
- Hindi Meaning: बहुत महंगा होना।
- Example: “The new smartphone costs an arm and a leg.”
- Piece of cake (कटी मिठास) – Something that is very easy to do.
- Hindi Meaning: बहुत आसान काम।
- Example: “The exam was a piece of cake; I finished it quickly.”
- Keep an eye on (नजर रखना) – To watch or monitor something closely.
- Hindi Meaning: कुछ को ध्यान से देखना या मॉनिटर करना।
- Example: “Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?”
- Hit the nail on the head (मुद्दे पर सीधा प्रहार करना) – To describe or identify something exactly as it is.
- Hindi Meaning: कुछ को सटीकता से वर्णन करना या पहचानना।
- Example: “He hit the nail on the head with his analysis of the problem.”
- Let the cat out of the bag (बोलना) – To reveal a secret unintentionally.
- Hindi Meaning: बिना इरादे से एक राज़ या गुप्त सूचना प्रकट कर देना।
- Example: “I didn’t mean to let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.”
- Jump the gun (बहुत जल्दी काम शुरू करना) – To start something too soon before it’s appropriate.
- Hindi Meaning: किसी काम को बहुत जल्दी शुरू करना, जिससे समय पर पहुँच नहीं सकती है।
- Example: “Don’t jump the gun; let’s wait for more information before deciding.”
- Rain cats and dogs (बरसात होना) – A very heavy rainfall.
- Hindi Meaning: बहुत ज्यादा बरसात।
- Example: “It was raining cats and dogs all night, and the streets are flooded.”
- Burning the midnight oil (रात भर काम करना) – Working or studying very late into the night.
- Hindi Meaning: रात के बीच काम करना या पढ़ाई करना।
- Example: “She’s been burning the midnight oil to finish her project on time.”
These idioms can add flavour and depth to your spoken English, but remember to use them appropriately and in the right context
Here are 30 common English idioms along with their Hindi meanings and example sentences:
- Break a leg (हड्डी तोड़ दो) – Good luck.
- Hindi Meaning: शुभकामना
- Example: “Before going on stage, the actor said, ‘Break a leg!'”
- Bite the bullet (गोली मुँह में डालना) – Face a difficult situation with courage.
- Hindi Meaning: मुश्किल समस्या का सामना करना
- Example: “She had to bite the bullet and speak in front of the large audience.”
- Cost an arm and a leg (हाथ और पैर का जीमा) – Very expensive.
- Hindi Meaning: बहुत महंगा
- Example: “Buying a luxury car can cost an arm and a leg.”
- Piece of cake (कटी मिठास) – Something very easy.
- Hindi Meaning: बहुत आसान काम
- Example: “The exam was a piece of cake; I finished it quickly.”
- Keep an eye on (नजर रखना) – Watch closely.
- Hindi Meaning: ध्यान से देखना
- Example: “Can you keep an eye on my bag while I go to the restroom?”
- Hit the nail on the head (मुद्दे पर सीधा प्रहार करना) – Describe something accurately.
- Hindi Meaning: कुछ को सटीकता से वर्णन करना
- Example: “He hit the nail on the head with his analysis.”
- Let the cat out of the bag (राज़ का पर्दाफाश करना) – Reveal a secret.
- Hindi Meaning: एक गुप्त बात का प्रकट करना
- Example: “She accidentally let the cat out of the bag about the surprise party.”
- Jump the gun (बहुत जल्दी काम शुरू करना) – Start something prematurely.
- Hindi Meaning: काम की शुरुआत बहुत जल्दी करना
- Example: “Don’t jump the gun; let’s wait for more information.”
- Rain cats and dogs (बरसात होना) – Heavy rainfall.
- Hindi Meaning: बड़ी मात्रा में बरसात
- Example: “It was raining cats and dogs all night.”
- Burning the midnight oil (रात भर काम करना) – Work late into the night.
- Hindi Meaning: रात के बीच काम करना
- Example: “She’s been burning the midnight oil to meet the deadline.”
- Don’t cry over spilled milk (बहके हुए दूध के लिए रोना नहीं) – Don’t worry about things that can’t be changed.
- Hindi Meaning: जिन बातों पर हमारा कोई प्रभाव नहीं हो सकता है, उन पर चिंता नहीं करनी चाहिए।
- Example: “The cake is already ruined; don’t cry over spilled milk.”
- Under the weather (अच्छा महसूस नहीं कर रहा) – Feeling unwell.
- Hindi Meaning: बीमार या अच्छा महसूस नहीं करना
- Example: “I won’t be able to attend the meeting today; I’m feeling under the weather.”
- The ball is in your court (गेंद आपके बल्लेबाज के पास है) – It’s your turn to make a decision.
- Hindi Meaning: फैसला आपके हाथ में है
- Example: “I’ve presented my offer; now the ball is in your court.”
- Beat around the bush (पेड़ की छाया में रहना) – Avoid getting to the main point.
- Hindi Meaning: मुद्दे पर न आना
- Example: “Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really think.”
- Hitting the books (किताबों को पढ़ना) – Studying intensively.
- Hindi Meaning: पढ़ाई करना
- Example: “I can’t join you for the movie tonight; I’ll be hitting the books for my exams.”
- Once in a blue moon (कभी-कभार) – Very rarely.
- Hindi Meaning: बहुत कम बार
- Example: “She visits her hometown once in a blue moon.”
- A piece of the pie (किसी कार्य में शामिल होना) – A share in an activity or opportunity.
- Hindi Meaning: किसी काम का हिस्सा
- Example: “Everyone wants a piece of the pie in this project.”
- Donkey’s years (बहुत लंबा समय) – A very long time.
- Hindi Meaning: बहुत लंबा समय
- Example: “I haven’t seen her in donkey’s years.”
- Let bygones be bygones (जो बीत गया वह बीत गया) – Forget past disagreements.
- Hindi Meaning: पिछले विवादों को भूल जाओ
- Example: “We should let bygones be bygones and move forward.”
- Burn the midnight oil (रात के बीच में काम करना) – Work or study late into the night.
- Hindi Meaning: रात के बीच काम करना
- Example: “He burned the midnight oil to prepare for the exam.”
- A penny for your thoughts (तुम्हारे विचार के लिए एक सिक्का) – Asking someone what they are thinking about.
- Hindi Meaning: तुम्हारे विचार के बारे में पूछना
- Example: “You seem lost in thought; a penny for your thoughts?”
- Don’t put all your eggs in one basket (एक ही झोले में सारे अंडे नहीं डालने चाहिए) – Don’t risk everything on one venture.
- Hindi Meaning: एक ही कार्य में सब कुछ ना लगाना
- Example: “Diversify your investments; don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
- A piece of your mind (तुम्हारी बात का हिस्सा) – Sharing your honest opinion.
- Hindi Meaning: अपनी सच्ची राय साझा करना
- Example: “I gave him a piece of my mind about his behavior.”
- Add insult to injury (घाव पर नमक चिढ़कना) – Make a bad situation worse.
- Hindi Meaning: खराब स्थिति को और बुरा बना देना
- Example: “He not only lost the game but also added insult to injury by mocking his opponent.”
- Hit the hay (सो जाना) – Go to bed.
- Hindi Meaning: सोने जाना
- Example: “It’s been a long day; I’m going to hit the hay.”
- Turn a blind eye (अंधा बनना) – Pretend not to notice something wrong.
- Hindi Meaning: किसी गलत काम को न देखना
- Example: “The manager decided to turn a blind eye to his employee’s minor mistake.”
- Read between the lines (लक्ष्य के पीछे की बात समझना) – Understand the hidden or implied meaning.
- Hindi Meaning: छिपी हुई या सूचित अर्थ को समझना
- Example: “When she said she was ‘fine,’ I had to read between the lines to see that something was bothering her.”
- A leopard can’t change its spots (तितर-बितर न कर सकना) – People don’t change their fundamental nature.
- Hindi Meaning: लोग अपनी मौलिक प्रकृति नहीं बदलते
- Example: “He promised to change, but a leopard can’t change its spots.”
- A drop in the bucket (बुद्धि में अंतर) – A very small part of something big.
- Hindi Meaning: कुछ बड़े कार्य का छोटा हिस्सा
- Example: “Donating $10 to the charity is just a drop in the bucket; they need much more.”
- All ears (सुनने के लिए तैयार होना) – Listening carefully.
- Hindi Meaning: ध्यानपूर्वक सुनना
- Example: “I’m all ears; please tell me your story.”
These idioms add color and depth to the English language, but remember to use them appropriately in the right context
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