
What Kind of News Should We Publish?

Guruji Suniltams

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What Kind of News Should We Publish?

Hello Dear News Website Owners, in this post, I am going to discuss What Kind of News Should We publish on our News Websites?

There are thousands of news websites which are emerging on a daily basis. 

Initially, all news website owners look decent and they actually try to do the same. However, over a period of time, they realize some fast methods of making money.

And, hence they forget their vision and passion. And, they start publishing what helps them make more and fast money.

I have personally come across many such websites. Not only news websites but also News channels.

I am not going to name, However, my readers and can easily understand. There are so many news channels which are just showing ads and making money. Some other websites are showing interesting stories from ancient mythology.

Rest of the many websites are showing irrelevant silly and useless music and cinema update most of the times.

How does Journey start?

Founders believe that they need to start a genuine news service. Most of the times, they want to maintain a niche and specific area.

Then What Happens?

They want to make money for nobody can make efforts for free. News publication needs lots of efforts and time. And, nothing comes for free. Genuine thing. No Problem.

What Next?

These news publishers approach businesses for ads and sponsorships. No problem. However, it does not happen over the night. everything takes time.

Some people give ads and most of them not.

So what is the next step?

Ideally, these news publishers should show consistency in their efforts of getting more and more ads. However, they gradually start looking for alternative ways of making money.

Now, What Happens?

Business owners want to give ads for the pages or channels which have high traffic or high TRP. But if you remember, this news publishes stated with a proper niche which is actually not attracting good traffic.

So what actually happens?

This news publishes first compromise on the news niche and start publishing something they are not expert in. They start getting involved in things like Sports, Cinema, music, etc.

Ultimately, they do not remain an expert in any niche. Their audience feels bad and they leave the website/channel.

What do the readers expect?

Readers are most of the times looking for specific, genuine and authoritative news as far as news websites are concerned. If they find some website doing so, they stick with it and keep coming back.

as soon as these readers find that a particular website is just concerned with making money and not publishing quality news, they move to some other website.

So, the website owners and news publishes should understand this.

Money is important

But news publishes should continue to publish the genuine and specific type of news. Their audience feels happy. Their niche traffic increases. Business owners understand this and they willingly pay for ads.

What these websites are capable of?

People tend to believe these news websites. Some websites take this for granted. And, they publish something fancy and crazy without verifying the genuineness. This thing can lead to a social mess.

Here the role of government comes into the picture. Not only they should have proper control over the content of the news websites, but also they should punish severely if there is any defaulter.

What happened in history?

There were numerous news websites in the recent world. We saw people reporting many of them. So, search engines penalized these websites.

Not only Google but also Social Media Platforms like Facebook are also being strict towards such things.

So, my earnest advice to start a news website if you are willing to write and publish genuine and verified content.

Believe me it is not easy. Trust me it is not impossible.

If you are not able to publish genuine news, be socially responsible and look for something else to make money. There many other ways to make money online.

What is the best way to do it?

The best way to maintain a news website is to maintain your niche. It makes you more capable and more authoritative. People tend to believe your publications. Also, you feel good for being true.

Believe me, one day you will get a great sponsor. never doubt it. Be Patient.

How to get genuine content for news?

If you do not have a great interest in writing, I would say, do not start a news website. Like I am writing this post, it is 100% per cent original and genuine. It shows my original writing style and my passion for writing.

When are you passionate like this, you can convert any news into your writing and it would always be plagiarism free. It will make your website boom in the search engines like Google.

Importance of SEO

Well, this is something you cannot avoid if you are really interested in making your news website big. SEO includes writing high-quality content, On-Page SEO, OFF Page SEO, Getting High-quality relevant backlinks, etc.

You can yourself take care of this with a few efforts on a regular basis. However, I have seen people getting distracted from the news itself when they try to do the SEO themselves. So, my earnest advice is to hire a Genuine SEO Expert by doing thorough research.

Should you use graphics?

Well, a hundred per cent YES. But make sure, do not get involved in any malpractice. Not necessarily you need to buy costly images. You can create any graphics from the free apps like Paint, Picture, canva, etc

Graphics have a great impact they work as a strong initial attraction to your articles. However, if your content is not good, Audience retention will be tough.

Last Words

I am sure this simple post would have made you understood What Kind of News Should We publish on our News Websites and how to retain the audience. Also, how to get ads and sponsored for the pieces of news.

I am sure you will make a good living if you continue to do the great work.

Best of Luck.

Sunil Chaudhary
Founder – JustBaazaar