
What is Intricate Text?

Guruji Suniltams

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What is Intricate Text? Grammarly English Text Improvement

What is Intricate Text? Normally, users of the English language may not ask this question. However, as they have started using much-hyped and relly useful Grammarly tools, they keep getting this suggestion. However, the suggested changes are not part of free usage. To get all these suggestions, you need to be a premium subscriber of Grammarly.

What is Intricate Text?

What is Intricate Text? Grammarly English Text Improvement

Now, there are sites like Study.com where you can easily get the explanation of this intricate text, I also tried it, however, that site also need a premium subscription of Rs 1500 to get the answer. Therefore, I have done some research on this and wanted my readers to get the answer for free for What is intricate text?

What is Intricate Text? Grammarly English Text Improvement Suggestion
English Language Skills

Here you go…

Not intricate: “The cat sat on the mat.”

Intricate: “Flourishing his luxuriant whiskers – no stranger he to the favourable impression thus presented to the female of the species – the feline animal, velvet-plush of person but (truth to tell) rock-hard of intellect, arranged his splendid limbs and extravagant tail to best advantage atop the (it must be admitted) exceptionally fine Turkish rug conveyed at who knows what cost along the fabled Silk Route from far Cathay.”

Intricate. Subordinate clauses, parentheses, reverse verbs, lots of adjectives and adverbs.

Note that there is nothing wrong in principle with ‘intricate’ text. Grammarly is merely pointing it out as something for you to think about.


if you are trying to be unnecessarily put wordy sentences and using complex and passive sentences to leave an impression, all this make your text intricate.

Do not worry…

  • Keep your sentences short.
  • Use simple sentences
  • Intricate Text is not a bad thing, it is just a little tough to be understood by laymen.

The term “intricate” is defined as something which is difficult and complicated. The intricate text means a text which is difficult to interpret. Francis Bacon’s prose is the best example of “intricate text”, they are short and concise, but readers cannot interpret that easily.

The simple answer is probably that your typical sentence is freighted with too many subordinate clauses.


Go for shorter, simpler sentences.

Of course, not rigidly. For maximum engagement and prose of satisfying texture, you need to vary the length of your sentences. Some of them should be short and punchy. Others can sprawl just a bit and contain multiple dependent clauses, but make sure even the longer sentences are easy to comprehend.

The intricate text means a piece of text that is difficult to interpret. For example, Haiku poems are somewhat difficult to interpret and are good examples of intricate text.

Basho Matsuo (1644-1694), is considered the greatest haiku poet:

An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
splash! Silence again.

Autumn moonlight-
a worm digs silently
into the chestnut.

In the twilight rain
these brilliant-hued hibiscus –
A lovely sunset.

 If you have any other questions related to the English language, write to suniltams@gmail.com

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“Intricate text” refers to text that is highly detailed, complex, or intricate in its composition, often containing intricate patterns of language, structure, or meaning. Intricate text can be found in various forms of written communication, such as literature, poetry, academic papers, legal documents, and more. It typically requires careful analysis and attention to detail to fully understand and appreciate its nuances.

Here are some examples of intricate text:

  1. Literary Fiction: Many classic novels, such as James Joyce’s “Ulysses” or Marcel Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time,” are known for their intricate and elaborate prose. These texts often delve into the inner thoughts and emotions of characters in a highly detailed manner.
  2. Poetry: Poems, especially those in the form of sonnets or villanelles, often employ intricate rhyme schemes and meter. They may also use intricate metaphors and symbolism to convey deeper meanings. For example, T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” is known for its intricate structure and multiple layers of meaning.
  3. Legal Documents: Legal contracts and agreements can contain intricate language and clauses that specify conditions, obligations, and responsibilities in precise detail. Misinterpreting such text can have serious consequences.
  4. Scientific Papers: Academic research papers in fields like physics, mathematics, and biology can be intricate in their use of specialized terminology and complex equations. These papers often require a deep understanding of the subject matter to grasp fully.
  5. Religious Texts: Many religious texts, like the Bible, Quran, or Buddhist scriptures, are considered intricate due to their complex narratives, allegories, and the multiple layers of interpretation they offer.
  6. Technical Manuals: Instruction manuals for complex machinery, software, or devices often contain intricate text that explains the intricacies of operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting in precise detail.
  7. Historical Documents: Some historical texts, such as ancient manuscripts or diplomatic treaties, are intricate because of their archaic language and the intricacies of diplomatic or legal language used at the time.
  8. Artistic Works: Art criticism and analyses of artistic works, such as paintings, sculptures, or performances, can involve intricate descriptions of the artistic elements, symbolism, and historical context.

Intricate text can be beautiful and thought-provoking, but it can also be challenging to decipher and understand. Readers often need to invest time and effort to unravel the layers of meaning and appreciate the intricacies of such text

Examples of Intricate Text 

Here are 20 examples of intricate text from various domains:

Literature and Poetry:

  1. Excerpt from William Faulkner’s “The Sound and the Fury,” known for its stream-of-consciousness narrative style.
  2. A stanza from T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” rich in symbolism and allusion.
  3. A passage from Gabriel García Márquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” featuring magical realism and complex family sagas.

Legal and Contracts:

  1. A section of a complex international trade agreement outlining tariff schedules and rules of origin.
  2. A patent application describing intricate technical details and claims.
  3. A legal brief analyzing a complex court case with multiple legal precedents and arguments.

Scientific and Technical:

  1. An excerpt from Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity equations.
  2. A section from a research paper in quantum mechanics discussing intricate quantum entanglement phenomena.
  3. A detailed description of a molecular biology experiment, including lab protocols and results analysis.

Religious and Philosophical Texts:

  1. A passage from Immanuel Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” explaining his intricate philosophy of transcendental idealism.
  2. A verse from the Bhagavad Gita, a Hindu scripture discussing intricate concepts of duty, righteousness, and devotion.
  3. A segment of the Talmud, a central text in Rabbinic Judaism, featuring intricate legal and ethical discussions.

Historical Documents:

  1. An excerpt from the Magna Carta, a medieval legal document outlining principles of governance and individual rights.
  2. A portion of the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I and contained complex provisions on reparations and territorial changes.

Art and Art Criticism:

  1. An analysis of Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa,” discussing its intricate use of sfumato and symbolism.
  2. A passage from an art history dissertation exploring the intricacies of Byzantine iconography.

Mathematics and Mathematical Proofs:

  1. A section of Andrew Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem, known for its intricate mathematical logic.
  2. An excerpt from a complex mathematical proof in algebraic geometry.

Financial and Economic Reports:

  1. A chapter from an annual report of a multinational corporation, detailing intricate financial statements and market analysis.
  2. A section from an economic analysis of a country’s fiscal policy, discussing intricate macroeconomic indicators and models.

These examples showcase the diversity of intricate text across different fields and genres, emphasizing the complexity and depth of each

Here are 40 frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to intricate text, along with brief answers to each:

1. What is intricate text?

  • Intricate text refers to written content that is highly detailed, complex, or intricate in its composition.

2. What are some common examples of intricate text?

  • Examples include complex literature, poetry, legal documents, scientific papers, and technical manuals.

3. Why is intricate text important in literature?

  • It adds depth, complexity, and richness to narratives, making them more engaging and thought-provoking.

4. How do authors create intricate text in literature?

  • Authors use techniques like symbolism, allusion, wordplay, and complex character development.

5. What is the significance of intricate poetry?

  • Intricate poetry often explores complex emotions, themes, and ideas using intricate rhyme schemes and metaphors.

6. What are some strategies for analyzing intricate poetry?

  • Pay attention to rhyme, meter, metaphor, and symbolism to uncover deeper meanings.

7. Why are legal documents considered intricate text?

  • They use precise language and complex clauses to define legal obligations and rights.

8. What are some challenges in understanding legal text?

  • Legal jargon and complex sentence structures can make it difficult to comprehend.

9. How can one navigate intricate legal documents effectively?

  • Seek legal counsel or use legal dictionaries and annotations for interpretation.

10. What characterizes intricate scientific papers? – They contain specialized terminology, complex data, and in-depth analysis of research.

11. How can one approach reading intricate scientific papers? – Start with the abstract, figures, and conclusion, and gradually delve into the details.

12. Why are religious texts considered intricate? – They often contain allegories, parables, and deep spiritual concepts.

13. What is the significance of interpreting religious texts correctly? – Correct interpretation is vital for understanding and practicing faith.

14. What makes historical documents intricate? – Archaic language, cultural context, and complex legal agreements contribute to their intricacy.

15. How can one decipher and understand historical documents effectively? – Consult historians, translators, and experts in the relevant era.

16. Why do artistic works sometimes feature intricate text? – Art criticism and analyses often delve into intricate details of artistic techniques and symbolism.

17. What are some methods for analyzing intricate artwork descriptions? – Look for themes, artistic techniques, and historical context in critiques.

18. Why are mathematical proofs considered intricate text? – They involve complex logic and mathematical symbols.

19. How can one approach understanding intricate mathematical proofs? – Break them down into smaller steps, seek help from math experts, and study related concepts.

20. What makes financial reports intricate? – They contain complex financial statements, economic analyses, and market data.

21. How can one interpret intricate financial reports correctly? – Consult financial analysts, accountants, or experts in the field.

22. What is the role of intricate text in philosophy? – It explores intricate philosophical concepts and arguments.

23. How can one approach reading intricate philosophical texts? – Break them into manageable sections, take notes, and seek explanations from philosophy scholars.

24. Why do technical manuals often have intricate text? – They provide detailed instructions for using and maintaining complex products.

25. What are some strategies for effectively using intricate technical manuals? – Follow step-by-step instructions, use illustrations, and seek customer support when needed.

26. How does intricate text impact legal interpretation in court cases? – Legal professionals rely on precise language and intricate legal arguments for their cases.

27. Why is intricate text prevalent in classical literature? – It reflects the intellectual and literary styles of different historical periods.

28. How can one appreciate intricate text in classical literature better? – Study the historical context, read annotations, and engage in literary discussions.

29. What is the relationship between intricate text and critical thinking? – Analyzing intricate text sharpens critical thinking skills by requiring careful examination of details and context.

30. Why are intricate text analyses essential in academia? – They contribute to scholarly research, critical discussions, and the advancement of knowledge.

31. How can students improve their skills in analyzing intricate text? – Practice reading and analyzing complex texts regularly and seek guidance from teachers or professors.

32. How does intricate text affect legal negotiations and contracts? – It ensures that legal agreements are precise and comprehensive, reducing the potential for disputes.

33. Why do some cultures have intricate oral traditions instead of written text? – Historical or cultural factors may influence the preference for oral storytelling over written text.

34. How can intricate oral traditions be preserved and passed down through generations? – Storytellers and cultural preservationists play a vital role in maintaining oral traditions.

35. What are some common misconceptions about intricate text? – Misconceptions include assuming that intricate text is always difficult or that it lacks practical applications.

36. How can one determine the intended audience of intricate text? – Analyzing the content, style, and context can provide clues about the target audience.

37. How does digital technology impact the creation and analysis of intricate text? – Digital tools and databases make it easier to access, search, and analyze intricate text.

38. Can intricate text be translated effectively into different languages? – Translation requires careful consideration of cultural nuances and linguistic complexities.

39. How does the interpretation of intricate text change over time or across cultures? – Cultural shifts and changing perspectives can lead to evolving interpretations of intricate text.

40. Why should individuals appreciate and engage with intricate text? – It fosters intellectual growth, cultural understanding, and a deeper appreciation of human expression and knowledge.

These FAQs and answers provide insights into the nature, significance, and challenges associated with intricate text in various fields and contexts