Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC), India’s beloved game show, is back with its 16th season, promising another exhilarating journey of knowledge and fortune. Aspiring contestants across the nation are gearing up to participate in this iconic show, hosted by the legendary Amitabh Bachchan. If you’re ready to test your mettle and potentially win life-changing prizes, here’s everything you need to know about the KBC 2024 registration process:
1. Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for KBC 2024, participants must:
- Be at least 18 years old and citizens of India.
- No academic qualifications are required.
- Adhere to the rules and regulations set by KBC Registration 2024.
2. Required Documents: Ensure you have the following documents ready:
- PAN card
- Aadhar card
- Passport
- Passport address
- Birth certificate
- Electricity bill
- Driving license
3. How to Register for KBC 2024: Follow these steps to complete your registration:
- Visit the official SONY LIV website: https://www.sonyliv.com/.
- Tap on the “Register” option on the homepage.
- Fill out the application form with accurate personal details.
- Scan and attach the necessary documents as per the instructions provided.
- Make the online payment to finalize your registration.
- Submit your completed form.
4. Selection Process: The selection process for KBC involves:
- Online Registration
- Screening of applicants
- Audition of shortlisted candidates
Ensure you provide accurate information and upload necessary documents during registration to increase your chances of being selected as a participant.
5. Hosts and Schedule: KBC 2024 will be hosted by the iconic Amitabh Bachchan, captivating audiences with his graceful hosting style. The show is expected to air on the Sonyliv TV channel in the evening, offering viewers an exciting blend of entertainment and knowledge.
Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and win big on KBC 2024. Register now and embark on a journey of excitement, learning, and possibilities. Who knows, you could be the next Crorepati!
Read All Details HERE