Set in the futuristic world of 2898 AD, Kalki promises a visual extravaganza with its ambitious narrative and star-studded ensemble. The story revolves around the quest to save humanity from a cataclysmic event predicted by ancient prophecies. Amidst advanced technology and breathtaking visuals, the film explores themes of destiny, sacrifice, and the resilience of the…

In a groundbreaking move that merged the worlds of cricket and cinema, Indian superstar Prabhas took center stage during an IPL match to unveil a stunning promotional video for his upcoming sci-fi epic, “Kalki 2898 AD”. The actor’s appearance during the cricket extravaganza has sent shockwaves across the entertainment industry, generating massive anticipation for the…

Hey there, movie buffs and Prabhas fans! Today, we’re diving into the life and times of the Bahubali himself – Prabhas. From his humble beginnings to conquering the hearts of millions, this blog is your ultimate guide to understanding the man behind the majestic screen presence. So, buckle up for a rollercoaster ride through Prabhas’s…