
SEO For NonProfit Organizations Top Tips

Archana Chaudhary

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SEO For NonProfit Organizations Top Tips Rates Prices Best Company

SEO For Nonprofit Organizations helps them find the right Donors and Volunteers. Whether, it is Donors, Patients, Customers, or students, every business needs public attention and a brand image. For NGOs, Donors and Volunteers are important. 

When an NGO has a sound presence over the internet, it can get a lot more donors and volunteers. And believe me, that is a great success for any Non-Profit Organization. 

SEO For NonProfit Organizations Top Tips Rates Prices Best Company

End of the day, you need public or public support. 

As you have already decided to have a great Brand Presence over the internet, We really appreciate your strategy.

With SEO, you are not required to pay fortunes for Paid Marketing, SEO itself is very effective. As all the interested people are using Google or something where they search for everything. Be it NGO, Any other organization or Any Service or product.

So, when a donor or a volunteer is trying to find an NGO, and your NGO has a great ranking on the first page, you can imagine the impact on the reputation of your NGO.

Yes, It is a Great Way!

Please do not get me wrong! However, SEO requires a lot of time and efforts. Still, it is much cheaper than any other means of advertisements marketing. 

You must inform your Audience about your activities and plans by writing relevant and high-Quality content which is the essence of SEO. The Content has always been the King for SEO.

JustBaazaar is The Best Company For SEO Under the Expertise of Sunil Chaudhary

What can JustBaazaar do For your NGO in terms of SEO?


Writing Relevant High-Quality Content

High-Quality Content is the king for SEO and with Sunil Chaudhary running every project, you stay assured that the content we will write for your Non-Profit Organization will be best in Class and impressive to your readers. Writing High-Quality content is the First Technique or we can say the requirement for SEO. 

When it comes to Non-Profits, there is no exception. 

Below mentioned is the list of activities we will do to make your Non-Proft Organization Stand Out on the First Page of Search Engines like Google and Bing

Tell Your Story

We will share with your audience about your Vision, Mission and Reasons why they should connect your non-profit organization. By writing good quality SEO optimized content with impressive Graphics or maybe real images or videos from your activities will make sure you are helping them connect with you. Everybody loves amazing content. 

Share Your Achievements

We create dedicated sections online to share the achievements of your NGO or Non-Profit Organization. Many donors and volunteers are interested in knowing what you have done so far.

Also, they want to how your acts have helped people around. When all this information is available online for your NGO, readers feel compelled and they invest in your cause. You get more financial support and more volunteers. 

Use Relevant Keywords in the Content

This is totally an SEO terminology. However, let us share that we are going to make sure a lot of relevant and long-tail keywords are used throughout the content so that your content appears on the First page of Searching Engines like Bing and Google.

It is really important to use the right keywords and SEO experts like Sunil Chaudhary know this very well. We make extensive use of the powerful SEO tools to come up with the most effective keywords for your business.

Optimize your Titles and Meta Descriptions

The way we do SEO for Non-Profit Organization is not very different. Because the way and steps remain the same. We find the keywords and optimize the content for those keywords. 

Optimizing the Title, Slug, and Meta Description remains the same for non-profit organizations as well.

We ensure we use the primary keywords in n meta descriptions, page titles, and subtitles. So, when a search engine crawler checks your website, these meta and title tags are what it uses to index your website and content appropriately.

By using the right keywords in these title tags we ensure that your website is indexed properly and is shown to a relevant audience.

So, think about the kind of search queries for which you’d like to be featured and select your keywords accordingly. And share with us. Or, we can do it entirely and will share with you for approval.

Focus on Local SEO

Because Your Non Profit organization is located in some city or town or state or country, it is critical to take care of Local SEO. And believe us there is no other company which is as expert in local SEO as JustBaazaar is.

Local SEO Expert New York City
Local SEO Expert New York City

Local SEO is the most important factor. furthermore, it gets you more donors and volunteers from the local area. Local centres and local offices should be part of the SEO Strategy. And, do not worry we take good care of that.

Just Suppose, someone is looking for volunteer work in their spare time but does not want to go too far for the same. That individual or group searches online and note down a list of potential options where they can do volunteering. 

Finally, they pick the one to which they relate most. Not everybody is going to join your NGO. This world does not work this way. However, We assure you will get a good number of Donors and Volunteers when your organization appears on the first page of search engines.

This is how local people find NGOs or organisations to volunteer. And, if your organization does not appear in the search results, you tend to lose a lot.

Create a Google My Business Listing

google my business set up

We will create a Google My Business Listing for your Non-Profit Organization and will make sure it is properly optimized. GMB is again an important thing which we do not forget while doing SEO for the businesses which can get benefits from the local people. 

Citation Building

Like JustBaazaar there are many other directories which appear in the Search Results. therefore, we understand this. And, we list your organization in the most relevant citation sites with great consistency. Again, we have to write good quality content on those sites as well otherwise they reject the listing. 

Top Citation Builder in India SEO Expert
Top Citation Builder in India

Do you think, all this work is possible without an SEO Expert like Sunil Chaudhary? No. So, you are in the right place for SEO and Internet Marketing for your Non-Profit Organization.

We for sure know that listing your business in some of the strong directories help your business rank higher in search results and get more business.

We keep checking the rankings and performance of the Business in terms of SEO. That is why we are constantly able to rank your non-profit organization higher.

Get Quality Backlinks

This is similar to Listing on Local Business Directories, However, very different. Only an SEO Exert understands this. We get some quality backlinks for your non-profit organization.

We have many acquaintances in online because of our great and transparent work. We already believe in white hat SEO. So, many websites willingly give a quality backlink to our content. It has been possible because we never compromise with the quality and uniqueness of the content.

We also try to get your organization featured in Local News Stories around your social work. it depends on which package you have opted for. Therefore, we get credible Backlinks from news and other blogging sites.

We also try to get backlinks from your acquaintances, partners, Corporate partners, sponsors, etc. When you are doing great work, there is a great chance that these people willingly give you a backlink.

However, professional follow up and persuasion is required. And, you know these things take time and dedication. This factor increases the cost of SEO.  Do not take it lightly. it is still cheaper and far more effective than other means of advertisement. 

Whenever you do any CSR activity, let us know. And, on your behalf, we will get a backlink from the concerned organization. Backlinks are also received through Appreciation and Testimonials. It is a mutual act.

Leverage the Power of Social Media

SEO is underutilized when you are not leveraging the power of social media on a regular basis. Almost,3 to 4 posts are something we recommend for NGOs. Half posts in the morning and a half posts in the evening. As we have a team of Dedicated Social Media Experts, they ensure, this work is done with ease with the help of your coordinator.

Yes, in this matter your coordination is important or you can add us in some Whatsapp, Facebook, and Telegram groups. These groups help us know you better and design a strong and sound social media strategy.

We use social media in different ways that not only direct traffic to your website but also talk to your audience. We make posts about upcoming events, initiatives, ask people to volunteer, request donations, etc.

Also, we keep sharing your past achievements in a timely and attracted manner.  Most of the posts are done to spread awareness about the cause your organization supports.

You can check out this Instagram post by an international nonprofit organization charity: water, for example. They have showcased the welfare that donations can do for the people around the world and then asked people to donate via their website.

Instagram water seo for nonprofits

Image Source – instagram

Whatever we post on your social media, most of the times, we make sure the link to your main online web page is included. The main webpage should have a link for donations as well. This type of Pages is generally called a landing page. So, we will create a nice and effective landing page for your NGO or non-profit organization.

The Humane Society seo for nonprofits

Image Source: Facebook

Social Media is undoubtedly a great help in building your non-profit organization and in spreading awareness. Believe me, if your organization does well, you stand to get a lot of support.

Final Thoughts

We are sure that after going through the above content, you would have understood that JustBaazaar is the Best SEO Company for your NGO/NonProfit Organization. SEO requires a lot of time and efforts. So you need to understand the impact on the SEO Charges. However, it is still far cheaper than other means.

Now, Contact us at info@justbaazaar.com or Call or WhatsApp at +919759999231, +917088099099 and Get Started Today.
Facebook page – JB Digital
Youtube – JustBaazaar

Sunil Chaudhary
SEO and Digital Marketing Expert