In a cinematic triumph, Prabhas’ latest action extravaganza, “Salaar Part One Ceasefire,” continues to dominate the box office, maintaining its unstoppable momentum even after six days of its theatrical release. The film, directed by Prashanth Neel, stands resilient amid tough competition, particularly from Shah Rukh Khan’s “Dunki.”
Despite the clash with another major release, “Salaar” is not only holding its ground in India but is also making waves in the overseas market, solidifying its status as a global blockbuster. The film’s remarkable success story is set to etch a new milestone as it gears up to cross the coveted Rs 300 crore nett mark in India on Thursday.
On Day 6, “Salaar” added an impressive Rs 17 crore to its already stellar box office collection. The total nett collection in India now stands at a staggering Rs 297.40 crore.
Let’s take a closer look at the day-wise box office figures for “Salaar”:
- Day 1 (Friday): Rs 90.70 crore
- (Breakdown: Telugu – Rs 66.75 crore, Malayalam Rs 3.55 crore, Tamil – Rs 3.75 crore, Kannada – 90 lakh, Hindi Rs 15.75 crore)
- Day 2 (Saturday): Rs 56.35 crore
- (Breakdown: Telugu – Rs 34.25 crore, Malayalam Rs 1.75 crore, Tamil – Rs 3.05 crore, Kannada – 95 lakh, Hindi Rs 16.35 crore)
- Day 3 (Sunday): Rs 62.05 crore
- (Breakdown: Telugu – Rs 35 crore, Malayalam Rs 1.55 crore, Tamil – Rs 3.2 crore, Kannada – 1.2 crore, Hindi Rs 21.1 crore)
- Day 4 (Monday): Rs 46.3 crore
- (Breakdown: Telugu – Rs 27.1 crore, Malayalam Rs 1.3 crore, Tamil – Rs 2.05 crore, Kannada – 85 lakh, Hindi Rs 15 crore)
- Day 5 (Tuesday): Rs 24.9 crore
- (Breakdown: Telugu – Rs 13.7 crore, Malayalam Rs 70 lakh, Tamil – Rs 1.1 crore, Kannada – 30 lakh, Hindi Rs 9.1 crore)
- Day 6 (Wednesday): Rs 17 crore
With each passing day, “Salaar” continues to captivate audiences, proving to be a force to be reckoned with in the world of Indian cinema. As it inches closer to the Rs 300 crore mark, the film stands as a testament to the star power of Prabhas and the directorial prowess of Prashanth Neel.
The audience’s unwavering support and the film’s outstanding performance are sure to make “Salaar Part One Ceasefire” a defining chapter in the annals of Indian cinema. Stay tuned for more updates on this cinematic phenomenon.
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Sunil Chaudhary stands as a preeminent global Leading digital coach, boasting a diverse clientele hailing from over 50 nations. Renowned for his prowess as an exemplary SEO expert, business automation coach, and landing page authority, Chaudhary also holds the distinction of being esteemed as the finest business coach in India. Beyond technical domains, he imparts invaluable insights into mindset, success, and life skills, thus encompassing a holistic approach to mentorship.