
How GDPR is Changing the Landscape of Online Learning for Kids

Guruji Suniltams

How GDPR is Changing the Landscape of Online Learning for Kids

How GDPR is Changing the Landscape of Online Learning for Kids. Go Through the Blog and Know what we have to say about this…

How GDPR is Changing the Landscape of Online Learning for Kids

How GDPR is Changing the Landscape of Online Learning for Kids

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It’s no secret that the way we interact with technology has drastically shifted since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implementation in 2018. Gone are the days of companies freely collecting, storing, using, and sharing our personal data without permission. Instead, we now have greater accountability and control over our data privacy, as GDPR requires companies to get explicit consent and be transparent about how they use our data. 

But GDPR isn’t just impacting businesses—it’s also changing the online learning and education landscape for kids. To learn more about how GDPR affects children’s digital education, let’s take a closer look.

Online Learning: Through the GDPR Lens

Before GDPR, parents had little to no control over when it came to how their children’s data were collected and used by online educational platforms and websites. That’s why companies can quickly gather data and monitor kids’ preferences and browsing habits, which results in targeted ads that can influence children’s decisions and even exploit their vulnerability because of their lack of knowledge and understanding. The good news is that GDPR has ended that era and empowered parents to take back control. 

GDPR provides a comprehensive framework for protecting the data privacy of children. Therefore, companies, schools, online learning sites, and other educational institutions must get explicit parental or guardian consent before collecting, storing, and sharing any personal data from children under 16. 

And it doesn’t stop there. Here are a few more ways GDPR is changing the landscape of online learning for kids: 

Better Parental Controls

One of the main benefits of GDPR is increased transparency and control for parents when it comes to their children’s online learning experience. As mentioned earlier, GDPR requires companies to obtain explicit parental consent before collecting any personal data or allowing children under the age of 16 to use their service.  Therefore, online learning platforms must implement age-verification measures to ensure that no data is collected from children without the parent’s permission.

Age-Appropriate Content

Another compliance requirement that online learning companies must meet is to ensure the content they provide to children is age-appropriate. For example, a learning platform aimed at 8-10-year-olds should not include content that is only suitable for 13+ audiences without a warning or notice beforehand. Companies must also provide a way for parents or guardians to control their children’s access to such content through parental controls, allowing the adult user to customize their child’s experience on the platform and restricting access where necessary. 

Greater Transparency

GDPR ensures that companies are open and honest about what they collect and why and that they don’t use the information for any other purposes than what was originally intended.  For instance, online learning platforms can collect certain information to create personalized learning plans for a student, but they are not allowed to use the data for digital marketing or advertising. 

With this, GDPR protects minors’ data from misuse and exploitation and establishes a precedent of trust between users and online learning platforms that must be maintained to keep providing an enjoyable experience. 

Enhanced Security

GDPR stipulates that user data must be stored securely and encrypted to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches. As such, companies are forced to implement sophisticated data security measures against unauthorized access, accidental loss, and destruction, thus protecting children’s data from cyber-attacks and other malicious activities whenever they use platforms and devices for online learning experiences

Limited Data Collection

GDPR also prevents companies from collecting unnecessary amounts of data from children, meaning online learning sites and platforms are only allowed to collect the bare minimum amount of data required for them to provide their services to users and nothing more. It also gives parents the power to decide what information they are comfortable sharing with a particular provider and allows them to access detailed information about how their children’s data is being handled and managed by online learning platforms. 

Right to Erasure or Data Deletion 

Finally,  GDPR establishes a “right to erasure,” which means if a parent or minor decides they no longer want to use an online learning platform, they have the right to ask for all of their personal data and information to be removed from the company’s database or system. This ensures that data isn’t being used beyond its original purpose and that a child’s data isn’t left lingering on an online platform or website once they have stopped using it. 

The Bottom Line

As you can see, GDPR is ushering in a new era of data privacy and accountability in the online learning space. By providing more control over personal data, greater transparency, and better security measures, GDPR is making sure that children’s data is kept safe while they explore the digital world. Overall, it looks like GDPR will be paving the way for a safer, more enjoyable online learning experience for kids! 

So don’t forget to check the compliance of your child’s favourite online learning platforms with the GDPR checklist before signing them up. It just might be the difference between a safe and secure online experience or a data privacy nightmare.  

20 Critical Points to Take Care Related to GDPR

  1. Understand the GDPR principles and requirements.
  2. Appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO).
  3. Conduct a risk assessment to identify and mitigate data protection risks.
  4. Conduct a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) for high-risk processing activities.
  5. Obtain explicit consent from data subjects for data processing.
  6. Only collect and process data that is necessary for a specific purpose.
  7. Keep personal data accurate and up-to-date.
  8. Provide data subjects with access to their personal data upon request.
  9. Allow data subjects to rectify or erase their personal data when necessary.
  10. Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data.
  11. Report data breaches to the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours.
  12. Notify affected data subjects of a data breach when it is likely to result in a high risk to their rights and freedoms.
  13. Conduct regular employee training on data protection.
  14. Develop and implement data protection policies and procedures.
  15. Keep records of data processing activities.
  16. Implement privacy by design and default in products and services.
  17. Implement appropriate contractual provisions with third-party data processors.
  18. Consider the age of the data subject and obtain parental or guardian consent for the processing of children’s personal data.
  19. Conduct regular audits and reviews of data protection measures.
  20. Maintain transparency in data processing activities and communication with data subjects.

Frequently asked questions and their answers related to GDPR

Q: What is GDPR?
A: GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It is a regulation that aims to protect the personal data of individuals within the European Union (EU).

Q: When did GDPR come into effect?
A: GDPR came into effect on May 25, 2018.

Q: To who does GDPR apply?
A: GDPR applies to any organization, regardless of location, that processes the personal data of individuals within the EU.

Q: What is considered personal data under GDPR?
A: Personal data under GDPR includes any information that can be used to identify an individual, such as name, address, email address, IP address, and more.

Q: What are the penalties for non-compliance with GDPR?
A: The penalties for non-compliance with GDPR can be severe, including fines of up to €20 million or 4% of a company’s global annual revenue, whichever is higher.

Q: What are some key requirements of GDPR?
A: Some key requirements of GDPR include obtaining consent for data processing, providing individuals with access to their data, implementing appropriate security measures, and reporting data breaches within 72 hours.

Q: How can organizations comply with GDPR?
A: Organizations can comply with GDPR by implementing appropriate data protection measures, such as conducting regular data protection impact assessments, appointing a data protection officer, and providing employees with data protection training.

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