Exploring the Sacred: पार्वती चालीसा – In the realm of Hindu spirituality, the Chalisa holds a significant place. It is a form of devotional poetry consisting of forty verses dedicated to a particular deity. Among the pantheon of Hindu gods and goddesses, Parvati, the divine consort of Lord Shiva, is revered as the embodiment of grace, strength, and devotion. In this blog, we delve into the mystical verses of the Parvati Chalisa,
Exploring the Sacred: पार्वती चालीसा – Buy HERE
पार्वती माता की चालीसा (Parvati Mata ki Chalisa) – Buy HERE
सनातन धर्म में पंचदेव विष्णु, शिव, सूर्य, गणपति तथा देवी को विशेष स्थान प्राप्त है। इनमें से किसी की भी पूजा करने से जातक को मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है। लेकिन मान्यता है कि भक्त की भक्ति से देवी जल्दी ही प्रसन्न होती है। इसलिए हर व्यक्ति को देवी शक्ति की पूजा अर्चना करनी चाहिए। कहते है पार्वती माता की पूजा करने से व्यक्ति के समस्त कष्ट दूर हो जाते हैं। पार्वती माता की चालीसा पढ़ने से व्यक्ति के जीवन में सफलता आती है और पारिवारिक सुख शांति बनी रहती है। तो आइए पढ़ते है पार्वती माता की चालीसा (Parvati Chalisa in Hindi) हिंदी में।
पार्वती माता की चालीसा के लिरिक्स (Parvati Chalisa Lyrics) – Buy HERE
।। दोहा ।।
जय गिरी तनये दक्षजे शम्भू प्रिये गुणखानि, गणपति जननी पार्वती, अम्बे, शक्ति, भवानि ।
।। चौपाई ।।
ब्रह्मा भेद न तुम्हरे पावे, पंच बदन नित तुमको ध्यावे ।
षड्मुख कहि न सकत यश तेरो, सहसबदन श्रम करत घनेरो ।
तेरो पार न पावत माता, स्थित रक्षा लय हित सजाता ।
अधर प्रवाल सदृश अरुणारे, अति कमनीय नयन कजरारे ।
ललित लालट विलेपित केशर, कुंकुंम अक्षत शोभा मनोहर ।
कनक बसन कञ्चुकि सजाये, कटी मेखला दिव्य लहराए ।
कंठ मदार हार की शोभा, जाहि देखि सहजहि मन लोभ ।
बालारुण अनंत छवि धारी, आभूषण की शोभा प्यारी ।
नाना रत्न जड़ित सिंहासन, तापर राजित हरी चतुरानन ।
इन्द्रादिक परिवार पूजित, जग मृग नाग यक्ष रव कूजित ।
गिर कैलाश निवासिनी जय जय, कोटिकप्रभा विकासिनी जय जय ।
त्रिभुवन सकल, कुटुंब तिहारी, अणु अणु महं तुम्हारी उजियारी ।
हैं महेश प्राणेश, तुम्हारे, त्रिभुवन के जो नित रखवारे ।
उनसो पति तुम प्राप्त कीन्ह जब, सुकृत पुरातन उदित भए तब ।
बुढा बैल सवारी जिनकी, महिमा का गावे कोउ तिनकी ।
सदा श्मशान विहरी शंकर, आभूषण हैं भुजंग भयंकर ।
कंठ हलाहल को छवि छायी, नीलकंठ की पदवी पायी ।
देव मगन के हित अस किन्हों, विष लै आपु तिनहि अमि दिन्हो ।
ताकी, तुम पत्नी छवि धारिणी, दुरित विदारिणी मंगल कारिणी ।
देखि परम सौंदर्य तिहारो, त्रिभुवन चकित बनावन हारो ।
भय भीता सो माता गंगा, लज्जा मय है सलिल तरंगा ।
सौत सामान शम्भू पहआयी, विष्णु पदाब्ज छोड़ि सो धायी ।
तेहि कों कमल बदन मुर्झायो, लखी सत्वर शिव शीश चढायो ।
नित्यानंद करी वरदायिनी, अभय भक्त कर नित अनपायिनी ।
अखिल पाप त्रय्ताप निकन्दनी , माहेश्वरी ,हिमालय नन्दिनी ।
काशी पूरी सदा मन भायी, सिद्ध पीठ तेहि आपु बनायीं ।
भगवती प्रतिदिन भिक्षा दात्री, कृपा प्रमोद सनेह विधात्री ।
रिपुक्षय कारिणी जय जय अम्बे, वाचा सिद्ध करी अवलम्बे ।
गौरी उमा शंकरी काली, अन्नपूर्णा जग प्रतिपाली ।
सब जन की ईश्वरी भगवती, पतप्राणा परमेश्वरी सती ।
तुमने कठिन तपस्या किणी, नारद सो जब शिक्षा लीनी ।
अन्न न नीर न वायु अहारा, अस्थि मात्रतन भयउ तुम्हारा ।
पत्र घास को खाद्या न भायउ, उमा नाम तब तुमने पायउ ।
तप बिलोकी ऋषि सात पधारे, लगे डिगावन डिगी न हारे ।
तव तव जय जय जयउच्चारेउ, सप्तऋषि, निज गेह सिद्धारेउ ।
सुर विधि विष्णु पास तब आए, वर देने के वचन सुनाए ।
मांगे उमा वर पति तुम तिनसो, चाहत जग त्रिभुवन निधि, जिनसों ।
एवमस्तु कही ते दोऊ गए, सुफल मनोरथ तुमने लए ।
करि विवाह शिव सों हे भामा, पुनः कहाई हर की बामा ।
जो पढ़िहै जन यह चालीसा, धन जनसुख देइहै तेहि ईसा ।
।। दोहा ।
कूट चन्द्रिका सुभग शिर जयति सुख खानी, पार्वती निज भक्त हित रहहु सदा वरदानी ।
Exploring the Sacred: पार्वती चालीसा – Buy HERE
Exploring the profound meanings behind each verse and uncovering the essence of devotion to the Mother Goddess.
Verse 1: Invocation to the Divine Mother The Parvati Chalisa begins with an invocation to the divine mother, seeking her blessings and guidance. As devotees recite these verses, they invite the presence of Parvati into their lives, acknowledging her as the primordial energy from which all creation emanates.
Verse 2-10: Glorifying the Attributes of Parvati In the subsequent verses, the Chalisa glorifies the various attributes of Parvati. She is hailed as the epitome of beauty, wisdom, and compassion. Her divine form, adorned with celestial ornaments, symbolizes the eternal grace that nurtures and sustains the universe.
Verse 11-20: Tales of Devotion and Courage Embedded within the Parvati Chalisa are tales of Parvati’s unwavering devotion and courage. From her penance to attain Lord Shiva as her consort to her role as the fierce warrior goddess, Parvati’s journey embodies the triumph of love and determination over adversity.
Verse 21-30: Blessings and Protection As the Chalisa progresses, devotees seek the blessings and protection of Parvati. They implore her to grant them strength in times of hardship and to guide them on the path of righteousness. Through these verses, believers find solace in the assurance that the divine mother is ever-present, watching over them with love and compassion.
Verse 31-40: Surrender and Liberation In the concluding verses, devotees offer their heartfelt prayers of surrender to Parvati. They acknowledge her as the ultimate refuge, the one who bestows liberation upon her devotees. Through devotion and surrender to the divine mother, believers aspire to transcend the cycle of birth and death, merging their consciousness with the eternal bliss of the Supreme.
Conclusion: The Parvati Chalisa stands as a timeless ode to the divine mother, encapsulating the essence of devotion, courage, and liberation. As devotees recite these sacred verses with reverence and sincerity, they embark on a spiritual journey guided by the grace of Parvati. In her divine presence, they find solace, strength, and ultimately, liberation from the bonds of worldly existence.
In the intricate verses of the Parvati Chalisa, we discover the eternal truth that beyond the veil of illusion, lies the radiant presence of the divine mother, beckoning us to awaken to our true nature and bask in the eternal bliss of her love.
Exploring the Sacred: पार्वती चालीसा – Buy HERE
Top 20 FAQs about Exploring the Sacred: पार्वती चालीसा with Answer
1. What is the Parvati Chalisa? The Parvati Chalisa is a devotional hymn consisting of forty verses dedicated to the Hindu goddess Parvati, the divine consort of Lord Shiva. It is recited by devotees to invoke the blessings of the Mother Goddess and express their devotion to her.
2. What is the significance of reciting the Parvati Chalisa? Reciting the Parvati Chalisa is believed to bestow divine blessings, protection, and grace upon the devotee. It is a means of invoking the presence of Parvati and seeking her guidance on the spiritual path.
3. How is the Parvati Chalisa different from other devotional hymns? The Parvati Chalisa specifically praises and glorifies the attributes, virtues, and exploits of the goddess Parvati. It is a form of devotional poetry that encapsulates the essence of devotion, courage, and liberation associated with the divine mother.
4. Can anyone recite the Parvati Chalisa? Yes, anyone can recite the Parvati Chalisa regardless of age, gender, or religious background. Devotion to Parvati transcends boundaries and is open to all who seek her blessings and guidance.
5. How often should one recite the Parvati Chalisa? The frequency of reciting the Parvati Chalisa varies from individual to individual. Some may recite it daily as part of their spiritual practice, while others may choose to recite it on special occasions or during times of need.
6. What are the benefits of reciting the Parvati Chalisa? Reciting the Parvati Chalisa is believed to bring numerous benefits, including spiritual upliftment, inner peace, protection from negative influences, and fulfillment of desires. It fosters a deeper connection with the divine mother and strengthens one’s faith and devotion.
7. Can reciting the Parvati Chalisa fulfill wishes and desires? Devotees believe that sincere and heartfelt recitation of the Parvati Chalisa can help fulfill their wishes and desires. However, it is essential to approach the practice with pure intentions and unwavering faith in the divine mother.
8. Are there any specific rituals associated with reciting the Parvati Chalisa? While there are no strict rituals associated with reciting the Parvati Chalisa, some devotees may choose to light incense, offer flowers, or perform aarti (ritualistic worship) before or after recitation as a mark of reverence and devotion.
9. Can non-Hindus recite the Parvati Chalisa? Yes, non-Hindus are welcome to recite the Parvati Chalisa if they feel drawn to the divine energy of Parvati and wish to seek her blessings. Devotion knows no religious boundaries and is open to all who approach with sincerity and reverence.
10. Is there a specific time or place ideal for reciting the Parvati Chalisa? While the Parvati Chalisa can be recited at any time and in any place, some devotees may prefer to recite it during auspicious occasions, such as Navratri (nine nights dedicated to the divine feminine) or on Fridays, considered sacred to the goddess.
11. Can the Parvati Chalisa be recited in any language? Yes, the Parvati Chalisa can be recited in any language that the devotee is comfortable with. While the original text may be in Sanskrit or Hindi, translations are available in various languages for the benefit of devotees worldwide.
12. Are there any specific rules or guidelines for reciting the Parvati Chalisa? There are no rigid rules or guidelines for reciting the Parvati Chalisa. However, it is advisable to recite it with sincerity, devotion, and understanding of its significance. Maintaining a clean and peaceful environment can enhance the effectiveness of the recitation.
13. Can listening to the Parvati Chalisa have the same benefits as reciting it? Yes, listening to the Parvati Chalisa with reverence and devotion can have similar benefits as reciting it. The vibrations of the sacred verses resonate with the listener’s consciousness, invoking the presence and blessings of the divine mother.
14. How long does it take to recite the Parvati Chalisa? The time taken to recite the Parvati Chalisa may vary depending on the speed of recitation and individual preferences. On average, it takes around 10 to 15 minutes to recite all forty verses with focus and devotion.
15. Can reciting the Parvati Chalisa help in overcoming obstacles and challenges? Yes, devotees believe that reciting the Parvati Chalisa with faith and devotion can help overcome obstacles, challenges, and adversities in life. The divine grace of Parvati provides strength and courage to face difficulties with resilience and determination.
16. Is there any specific posture or mudra recommended for reciting the Parvati Chalisa? While there are no specific postures or mudras prescribed for reciting the Parvati Chalisa, some devotees may choose to sit in a comfortable position with their spine erect and palms joined in prayer (anjali mudra) as a gesture of reverence and devotion.
17. Can children recite the Parvati Chalisa? Yes, children can recite the Parvati Chalisa under the guidance of elders or parents. Introducing children to devotional practices at a young age can instill a sense of reverence, spirituality, and cultural heritage in them.
18. Are there any specific days or festivals dedicated to reciting the Parvati Chalisa? While there are no specific festivals dedicated solely to reciting the Parvati Chalisa, devotees may choose to recite it during auspicious occasions such as Navratri, Maha Shivaratri, or Parvati Jayanti (birth anniversary of Parvati) to invoke her blessings and grace.
19. Can reciting the Parvati Chalisa bring peace and harmony to the family? Yes, reciting the Parvati Chalisa with the intention of fostering peace, harmony, and unity within the family can have positive effects. The divine energy of Parvati blesses the family with love, understanding, and mutual respect, fostering a conducive environment for spiritual growth and well-being.
20. How can one deepen their connection with Parvati through the Parvati Chalisa? To deepen their connection with Parvati through the Parvati Chalisa, devotees can approach the recitation with sincerity, reverence, and understanding of its significance. Engaging in regular practice, reflecting on the meanings of the verses, and embodying the qualities of devotion, courage, and compassion depicted in the Chalisa can strengthen the bond with the divine mother.
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