In the latest cinematic offering, “Dunki,” Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu take center stage in Rajkumar Hirani’s heartwarming tale. The film, touted as a cozy gift for the entire family, navigates the journey of Manu Randhawa (Taapsee Pannu), her friends, and their quest to return to India.

'Dunki' Movie Review: Shah Rukh Khan Shines in a Warm Family Gift

जीवन की एक नई यात्रा (Life’s New Journey): As 50-something Manu Randhawa finds herself longing for home, her two friends, Buggu Lakhanpal and Balli, join her in the desire to return to India. With visa hurdles from the British embassy, they turn to Hardy, played by Shah Rukh Khan, to find a way back home.

फिल्म का हाइलाइट (Movie Highlights): The film is described as a narrative that unfolds in both the present and the past, as it explores the trio’s dreams that originated in Punjab in 1995. Shah Rukh Khan is lauded as the heart and soul of “Dunki,” adding his charisma to the portrayal of a character who plays a pivotal role in realizing dreams, then and now.

राजकुमार हिरानी का टच (Rajkumar Hirani’s Touch): Rajkumar Hirani’s directorial flair is evident throughout “Dunki,” with emotions, humor, and music playing key roles. The film deftly addresses the issue of illegal migration while maintaining a lighter tone.

शैली और कहानी (Style and Story): “Dunki” is a rollercoaster of love, heartbreaks, laughter, and tears, all skillfully woven by Hirani. The film’s execution, while demanding more in some aspects, manages to captivate the audience.

हास्य और ह्रदय (Humor and Heart): The film touches upon the challenges faced by non-English speaking Indians in obtaining visas, delivering its message with humor. However, some humor is criticized for feeling forced, lacking the organic touch seen in Hirani’s previous works.

अभिनय का जादू (Magic of Performances): Shah Rukh Khan steals the spotlight, showcasing versatility from a clean-shaven young man to an older character. Taapsee Pannu’s natural performance adds authenticity to the portrayal of a Punjabi woman. The supporting cast, including Vikram Kochhar and Anil Grover, complements the narrative effectively.

कुछ चुटकुलों में कमी (Jokes that Don’t Always Land): While the IELTS exam preparation scene stands out, the humor is criticized for lacking subtlety. The film’s slower first half raises initial concerns, but a promising second half ensures a more engaging experience.

समापन (Conclusion): Despite its flaws, “Dunki” is dubbed as a film that leaves the audience with a tearful smile. For those seeking a break from action-packed dramas, this family entertainer promises an emotional journey worth experiencing.


  • Hindustan Times
  • हिंदुस्तान टाइम्स
  • इंडिया टुडे

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Sunil Chaudhary, Founder JustBaazaar, Digital Success Coach India World New York United StatesSunil Chaudhary aka Suniltams Guruji is India’s Leading Digital Coach. He provides complete Digital Skill Development Coaching with great support. Sunil has trained more than 25000 students and helped more than 1100 businesses so far. Sunil is a well-known face across the world for Digital Coaching.

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