Delhi Police has taken a significant step in the investigation of a controversial doctored video allegedly involving Telangana Chief Minister, Revanth Reddy. The video purportedly depicted Union Home Minister Amit Shah making statements regarding the abolition of reservation quotas for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes.
In a string of events triggered by the circulation of this manipulated video, Delhi Police has issued a summons to Telangana CM Revanth Reddy to appear for questioning in connection with the case. The video, which has now been confirmed as doctored, sparked outrage across political circles and raised concerns about the spread of misinformation.
Various media outlets reported on the unfolding developments. The Times of India highlighted CM Revanth Reddy’s response, stating that he is undeterred by the notice and is prepared to provide a fitting reply. Meanwhile, NDTV emphasized the viral nature of the video and the subsequent registration of a case by Delhi Police.
The controversy has led to a flurry of activity across different states, with multiple FIRs being filed and arrests made. The Hindu reported that cases have been registered by police in Delhi, Assam, and Maharashtra. Assam Police has already made its first arrest in connection with the case, as reported by India TV News.
Moreover, the situation has prompted political reactions, with BJP urging the Election Commission to take action against Congress for allegedly spreading the doctored video, according to Deccan Herald. India Today covered CM Revanth Reddy’s response, where he launched an attack on the BJP following the summons.
Alt News provided insights into the nature of the video, clarifying that Amit Shah did not make the statements attributed to him in the doctored version. The Economic Times detailed the request made by Delhi Police for CM Revanth Reddy to join the probe, underlining the seriousness of the investigation.
As the investigation progresses, the case has also attracted attention from legal experts and political analysts. ANI News reported remarks made by Congress legal advisor Ramchandra Reddy, indicating a forthcoming response after reviewing the situation.
The unfolding events underscore the challenges posed by the spread of misinformation and the impact it can have on political discourse. With investigations underway and stakeholders weighing in, the ramifications of this incident are likely to reverberate in the political landscape for some time.