
Car Insurance

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By Guruji Sunil Chaudhary

Here, you are going to get some clear and easy knowledge about Car Insurance. And, we are going to include numerous questions about Car Insurance. So, read it thoroughly to increase your knowledge. It will help you choose the best Car Insurance for your vehicle. Car Insurance is sometimes referred to as Auto/Motor Insurance as well. So, do not get confused.

 What is the purpose of Car Insurance?

Car owners should take car insurance in order to protect the vehicle in case of unforeseen/unfortunate happenings. What is the purpose of Car Insurance?Car owners can incur financial losses for many reasons like accidents, traffic collision, car theft, etc. Car insurance provides financial coverage in case of these incidents.

What is the premium amount for Car Insurance?

The premium you need to pay to get the cover for your car or any other vehicle depends on many factors. What is the premium amount for Car Insurance?The factors are the value of your vehicle, type of coverage you need, vehicle category, any other additional features which may be available with your car insurance policy.

What is the ultimate benefit of car/Auro Insurance?

When you have covered your vehicle with proper general insurance, you have confidence while driving. Confidence that you will not be fined by traffic police. confidence that if something happens to your vehicle, you will get financial support. In the case of emergencies, car insurance works like any endowment.

How to decide which Car/Auto insurance is good for you?

As there are a great number of Auto Insurance providers there in the market, it is genuinely tough to decide which car insurance is good for you and which one is not. However, you need to figure it out because you need it.How to decide which Car/Auto insurance is good for you? Taking car insurance may sound complex and it is many a time. However, once you have ti, you will save a fortune later. There are many websites where you can easily compare the car insurance plans and choose the right one for you. These websites also give you a handsome discount if you buy from them.

What is four wheeler insurance?

Four wheeler insurance, car insurance, auto insurance, motor insurance, they all are same.

What are the types of car insurance?

There are a few types of car insurance policies available, let’s have a look.

  1. Liability coverage
  2. Collision Insurance
  3. Comprehensive insurance
  4. Uninsured motorist insurance
  5. Underinsured motorist insurance
  6. Medical Payments coverage
  7. Personal injury protection insurance
  8. Gap insurance

What is a fair price for car insurance?

The average cost for car/auto insurance varies country wise. If we talk about the US, it is approx $1,592 per year and this cost in India is Rs 7000. This car insurance price also varies with models and value of the vehicle. The lower the value of the vehicle, the lower the cost of the car insurance.

What is third party insurance?

Third-party insurance is mandatory by many governments. In case of an accident, the other vehicle owner gets compensation for his/her losses.What is third party insurance? And, you do not have to pay anything. So, in this matter also, you are at peace.

What is zero depreciation cover?

When you register a claim after an accident takes place, insurance companies use a formula that factors in depreciation to determine the payable amount. As a matter of fact, cars value do depreciate, which could leave you paying a huge fraction of the overall expense even in case you have comprehensive coverage.

What all documents you need to buy car insurance?

  • Vehicle Details
  • Registration details
  • Age of your vehicle
  • City of registration

Why should you buy car insurance?

  • It is mandated by governments/Law
  • Provides third party coverage
  • No Claim Bonus
  • Security and Confidence
  • Peace of Mind

How to renew your car insurance?

  • Intimate your insurance company
  • Do it before it expires
  • Pay the required premium

That is all we have about car insurance as of now. once we have more information, we will surely add it here for your knowledge enhancement.

Meanwhile, you can read about what is a term insurance plan?

Also read about Insurance Termnilogy to make your knowledge sound about Insurance policies.

You can also provide good cover for your business with OCOCOC.

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