This is the most precise post about How to Start A Blog And Make Money? Stick to the rules mentioned below and take my guarantee that you will make a good career and sound money from blogging.


How to Start A Blog and Make Money for Free?How to Start a Blog and Make Money

Hi, Starting a blog and making money is easy with the steps mentioned below for your understanding.

  1. Choose a topic of your interest – Called Niche. Very Important – Find out the topic of your interest or develop an interest in the most rewarding niche.Find Your Niche How to Start a Blog and Make Money
  2. Be passionate about your blog – if you are not passionate, nothing can help. Just chant your blog every day. It works believe Passionate How to Start a Blog and Make Money
  3. Stay consistent – Consistency is one of the keys to success. Add content, blog posts, on a regular basis.stay consistent How to Start a Blog and Make Money
  4. Do proper keyword research – Many bloggers avoid this. However, very important to understand the competition, volume, and money you can make from the clicks.keyword research - How to Start a Blog and Make Money
  5. Define your goals – You want money, AdSense, affiliate rewards, or anything else. define your goals
  6. Develop high-quality unique content – Learn the skills of developing high-quality content. That comes from your love for your blog and niche. Develop Unique Content
  7. Take care of SEO Optimization – Use Yoast SEO Plugin if you are using WordPress. Rest you need to search a bit. However, SEO is very important to tell the search engines properly about your content/post.Search Engine Optimization
  8. Acquire good follow backlinks – However good you write, you can not rank your blog without backlinks. So, keep looking for backlinking opportunities. get Backlinks
  9. Apply for Adsense – Adsense is the most rewarding ad service. There are many more which I have never used. However, consider all the available options. Don’t overdo.apply for adsene grow money
  10. Make sure your website is good and has reasonable loading speed, refer to Gtmetrix – A little bit of twisting is required. Take care of Cache, CSS modification, etc. Or, just use WP-Rocket. It is awesome. website speed optimization
  11. Utilize the power of Google Analytics, Search Console, Tag Manager, etc – Keep checking these tools regularly and understand how your blog is performing and what needs analytics and google search console
  12. If you can afford it, must go for a Premium SEO Tools subscription. Tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, Moz, etc – At least for few months, you should go for a premium subscription to get real insights and easy help. Otherwise, you will be in darkness and will not have any idea about the keywords and competition.Premium seo tools
  13. Keep following the abovementioned steps – Yes, Keep Going. Be Successful.follow the steps regularly
  14. Follow successful bloggers and blogging forums. By doing this, you will learn a lot. Follow successful bloggers

Well, if you do this, nobody can stop you from becoming a successful blogger.

I am sure the above-mentioned steps will be quite helpful for you. There is no other hidden secret.

What Kind of Blogs Start Making Money Soon?

The answer to this question is HERE.

Some More Important Points I must share with you when you are starting a Blog.

Choose WordPress for Blogging

It is because you can customize WordPress in many ways. You have lots of freedom with WordPress. it is the easiest, cheapest, and most trusted CMS available. The second best option is obviously Google Blogspot.

Choose the Lightest Theme and Stay Minimalist 

Choose a light theme like Godaddy’s Go, GeneratePress, etc. Light these are easy to operate and load your blog faster which ultimately contributes to your Blog’s DA, SEO, and many more metrics.

Content is the King – Always Said

Keeping this in mind, I advise you to write compelling content to keep your readers engaged. Read and modify your content at least thrice. It will reduce the grammatical mistakes as well as you will also realize how it feels to go through your blog post. Many things you yourself realize and correct.

Choose Blog Name Wisely and Related to your NICHE

Blog Name can make a big difference in your rankings. So, choose a blog name that reflects the niche you are going to develop your blog about.

Basic Hosting from Godaddy or BlueHost

Let me tell you, don’t get confused with the overwhelming options available for hosting. simply, go for Godaddy or Blue Host. These are the easiest, best, and cheapest options you need at starting of your blog.

Choose the Domain

Your domain name and blog names should be similar. However, there is no harm in keeping them different. But try to keep them similar or as close as possible. Most of the time, you get a free domain from Godaddy and Bluehost when you buy their hosting.

Create Your Logo

Create a logo for your blog. Your logo should be in sync with your NICHE. You can easily create your logo from online Logo Generators. Or You can use CANVA, the most amazing and easy graphics tool for bloggers and for the people who know nothing about photoshop and illustrators. Go for Canva

Create a Favicon

Favicon is similar to your logo. it appears on the top left of the tab in your browser.

Logo and Favicon Site Icon

All the Best
Suniltams from JustBaazaar

Best SEO Expert in Aligarh | Sunil Chaudhary Aligarh SEO Services
Sunil ChaudharyJustBaazaar

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  1. JB Team Listing Owner

    You need hosting and a domain. Any hosting from Godaddy, Bluehost, will be enough to start. Once you are a little expert, You will be deciding that easily. I use Godaddy WordPress Managed one.

    There are no affiliate links in this post as of now. However, I am planning to include if I get some traffic at the post. Makes sense?

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